
1COR.2:14,15 TELLS US THE SPIRITUAL MAN JUDGES ALL THINGS. But, how is this possible when Jesus told them in Mt.7:1-3 not to judge lest they should be judged? It is because they were not spiritual, but only natural. And as natural men they themselves were not ready to be judged because they had not yet been judged as all who are spiritual have. Because all who are spiritual have already been judged to be righteous by the faith of Christ. When the natural man judges he looks on the outward appearance. But, God looks on the heart. And 1Cor.2:14,15 tells us there is a spiritual man that “judges all things”. Here we are told this is something that those who have received God’s gift of the spirit allows the believer to do. And it is only by this judgment that we can…

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So why do so many teach it is man’s nature to sin when Paul says it is “against nature” to do so? Did you even know that this is what Paul taught? Or did you just believe your “pastor” instead when he told you the Bible says men sin because they all have a sin nature that governs their choices? This is also why Paul taught exhaustively on the subject of salvation by works, in contrast to salvation by grace through faith not of works. Because he wanted to make sure we did not confuse works as having anything to do with salvation. Works have nothing to do with man’s need for a savior. All men need for salvation is the presence of God, His glory, in them that only comes by the gift of the new birth Jesus spoke…

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When you think about what it was at the first that drew you to trust in Jesus what comes to mind? Was it the need to be forgiven for all the bad things you may have done? To be free from the guilt of bad decisions? Or was it Jesus? There is a difference you know. When you made your confession of faith was it for purity’s sake because you were of the impression that salvation is deliverance from being bad to being made good and from naughty to nice? Was it because you heard that being justified meant that it made you just as if you never sinned? Or was it because you realized how much Jesus loved and wanted to know you? Was it His love that drew you to Him? Or was it the opportunity to have…

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Acts15 Is A “Sharp Rebuke” From All Of The Apostles

By Edward O’Hara All of the apostles taught that any message that says men are saved by trusting in works for righteousness, even Jesus’ works, is to be “sharply rebuked”. And in Acts 15 the apostles did just that.   Yet so many have fallen for the work’s message that is the doctrine of original sin. Trust in the strength of man’s arm for righteousness. And not in the grace of God. Grace that was His love shown when He joined with men in our death. Not by works of the law. So that because of the resurrection we can join with Him in eternal life. A salvation that is truly by grace through faith without works of any kind.  Titus1 says the believer needs to avoid these Jewish fables. Fables I sometimes refer to as Judaism for Gentiles. Fables…

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Why Context Is So Important Something Paul Says the Rest of the World(Gentiles) Did Not Have

By, Edward O’Hara, Fri 12/27/2019 12:24 PM… When reading the Bible we always need to remember who the letter we are reading from is written to. Because while the whole Bible is written for us. The whole Bible is not written to us. For example, Even though all believers can glean truth from it’s teaching, Hebrews is written to, well… Hebrews. So when reading letters like this we must always remember that these are written to people who had a covenant with God before Jesus came. Something Paul says the rest of the world(Gentiles) did not have. Eph.2:12.  So it was these people, and not Gentiles, to whom God said; “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the…

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