Watchman: With Big Banks Failing, CBDC’Banks Failings Can’t Be Far Behind—and We Can’t Stop Them (Christ Enemy); The Tribulation Must Continue; And “Lockdown” Will Be for Us All for a Limited Amount of Time, Jesus Is Coming!

The American Government, Run by Evil Secret Societies, Is Making a Concerted Effort to Impose Digital Currency. You Must Agree to “The Mark” or You Will Be Unable to Transact Business. HNewsWire: Once the economy has melted down, CBDC’s will be proffered as the ONLY way we can get “back to normal”—a “cure” that will turn out to be as catastrophic, in their way, as those “vaccines”… This is likely a deliberate blow to crypto. The Fed gangsters can’t have competition with their Ponzi scheme. The Fed is suppressing an alternative to CBDC, its own digital money (Central Bank Digital Currency). The involvement of Vice President Biden is irrelevant. He’s the Fed’s stooge, a figurehead who makes it seem like the central bank is accountable to Congress. Not at all. Privately owned and operated by the largest U.S. banks, the Fed…


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