7 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, Jesus Is the Great Deliverer. He Has Come to Free You From Slavery to the World So That You Can Worship Him

Daily Devotional: Blessed Is That Word “Free,” and Blessed Is He Who Spends Himself to Make Men So Egypt is a microcosm of the world. Pharaoh is comparable to Satan, the prince of this world. Those who are called by God are born into the world and subject to its rule. But when the LORD summons them, the prince of this world will not let them leave easily. He wants their servitude. He desires their worship and despises the idea of people worshiping the LORD. “I will not let my slaves go,” he usually says. The LORD summons those to whom He will give His firstborn son. He considers them his own children. As the heirs of their father, the firstborn have rights and benefits. The Father summons us from the world to worship Him. We have been serving Pharaoh, […]


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