16 mins read

Old Testament Sin- Was it just covered? Or was Israel sanctified and forgiven? Lev.4:35

By Edward O’Hara: There are many who teach that sins were not forgiven under the law, but only covered. Is this true? And what would make someone teach that it was only covered if the Bible says it was forgiven? In Lev.4:32-35 we read how sin was dealt with through the sacrifices under the law. It reads, “32 And if he bring a lamb for a sin offering, he shall bring it a female without blemish. 33 And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering, and slay it for a sin offering in the place where they kill the burnt offering. 34 And the priest shall take of the blood of the sin offering with his finger, and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and shall pour out all the […]


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