5 mins read

Watchman: The US Spent $4.1 Billion on LGBTQ+E For Evil Global Initiatives the US Government Funds LGBTQ+E For Evil Activities in US Schools and in Belarus, Nigeria, and China. Americans Tax Dollars at Work

HNewsWire:  Sodom and Gomorrah didn’t end well. Neither will the U.S.A. According to an Epoch Times analysis, federal funds from taxpayers have funded LGBT programs in the US and abroad for the previous three fiscal years to the tune of $4.1 billion. A check of a federal expenditure website shows that between October 1, 2020, and September 30, 2023, the U.S. government awarded more than 1,100 grants to support LGBT-promoting initiatives worldwide. Project scope varies greatly. For the LGBT Life Center in Norfolk, Virginia, plans to establish a “safe space for LGBTQ youth and adults to seek support and resources” were awarded a $1.8 million grant by the US government in 2022. Another winning strategy was one that aimed to promote “diversity, equity, and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities by promoting economic empowerment of and opportunity for LGBTQI+ […]


5 mins read

Satan’s Soldiers Are Alive and Well, and They Have Complete Control In Our Public School Classrooms, Radical LGBTQE,E for Evil Indoctrination Centers Have Been Established, Threatening Parental Rights

HNewsWire: In America, we are witnessing an unparalleled assault on parental rights. Our public schools have been transformed into radical indoctrination camps for sex and gender revolutionaries. Parents are being kept in the dark about their pupils’ preferred names and pronouns at a high school in Germantown, Tennessee. Children as young as three years old are encouraged to attend Rainbow Clubs in Los Angeles. This week, elementary schools are being asked to “Come out of the Closet.” Parents in Montgomery County, Maryland, received a letter informing them that their children would no longer be able to opt out of sex lessons. Meanwhile, the FBI is going after parents who complain about their local school boards. Alliance Defending Freedom is one group fighting for parents. They are one of the largest legal ministries in the country. They’ve won 15 Supreme Court […]


1 min read

Watchman Warning: Michelle Maxwell Has Revealed on Twitter That the Target Is After Your Kids in a Very Sinister Manner. She Even Shared a Video of a Designer Who Promotes Satanism on Social Media. Beware! Boycott, Destroy Target!

SRH: A Biblical doctrine that demonstrates in scripture, that God will turn people over to their vile lifestyles as a curse, blinding them to salvation in Jesus, giving them over to a devil’s hell for eternity. A doctrine that I believe is completely Biblical and defined by the Apostle Paul in Romans 1 is unmistakably visceral language. We are talking about the Bible and its condemnation of Homosexuals, but first a dose of big-picture truth with consideration to our spiritual climate in the U.S. There is a war brewing between Christians who maintain to the death, a Natural and Revealed Law definition of marriage, and those who seek to redefine it in our society. I ask, are you paying attention to this issue? Because the club that beats the church into submission will be painted with a rainbow. For practical…...

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