8 mins read

Sheriff’s Department Unwilling to Go Against the Wishes of the People They Serve

Division Actually Brings Truth to the Surface, Jesus came with the truth and a sword… New Mexico Sheriffs’ Association Opposes Democrat Red Flag Law Push 6 The New Mexico Sheriffs’ Association is standing against the red flag bill state Democrats are trying to pass this legislative session. The sheriffs were able to help defeat such legislation in 2019 and remain as opposed to it now as they were then. The Miami Herald reports 17 states and D.C. have red flag laws, all of which allow a judge to issue an order for the confiscation of an individual’s firearms. State Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Las Cruces) is sponsoring the red flag legislation in New Mexico’s Senate. And Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) is standing with Cervantes, claiming without red flag laws, “you can’t have law enforcement engage before a horrific tragedy.” But the New Mexico Sheriff’s Association […]


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