Banned By Tweeter and Fake Book, VIDEO…

  **Banned By Tweeter and Fake Book:** For Christians, conservatives and independents believing that social media platforms is your Avenue for messaging, that’s really a fairy tale, altered reality. Understand the liberal elitist that run the social media platforms are globalist, open society enthusiast, another way of describing them, powerful intellectuals that are evil. You should understand that only their views are important and that any other opinion will be censored immediately. Twitter and Facebook shadow banned those opinions that conflict with the speech Masters. So while you’re thinking you’ve got your message out what’s has really transpired is that your tweet or your Facebook post is placed into a black box, the only one that’s going to be able to read it is “you”, how does that make you feel, real important, the truth is these intellect evil morons…

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I was banned from Facebook for writing about Facebook censorship! VIDEO

Twitter, FakeBook every time you censor a conservative, Christian or fair-minded person you’re showing your weakness, can’t the liberals stand on the merits of an argument without you intervening and censoring on behalf of the left, silenced by the ugly left a.k.a. liberals, recently I was Banned by Tweeter and Facebook for posting news stories that were valid that had solid sources but when against the liberal mindset(no morals no laws free-for-all society) if you’re a conservative, Christian, individual that’s of good character and trying to get your message out on social media don’t bother it’s not going to happen the ugly left will not let it happen. You see the only way they can win the war is by cheating, lying, manipulating or censoring the facts. Tweeter followers I’m in Tweeter, FakeBook JAIL. Ten false fears being deployed as journo-terrorism…

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Kathy Griffin Syndrome Nuts

Bing Kathy Griffin is now the sacrificial lamb of the Mainstream Media as they scramble to deflect the public’s animosity away from themselves as their Russiagate narrative crumbles. The American People have had enough and millions have been red pilled and are aware that The Mainstream Media is Globalist Cancer. Can you spot the difference between an ISIS Beheading and sundried tomato Kathy Griffin? The Leftist News Media are terrorists. They are running the biggest psyop against the American People in history. Here’s a breakdown of the situation. ![]( Copyright 2017 ©

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