2 mins read

America’s FIRST One of Kind State Governors ‘ Executive Order

Dinesh Kaushiva 12/13/ 2023 In a very bold, unexpected and much overdue move The Governor of Nebraska has signed an Executive Order defining the Female and Male Sexes. Hopefully, all the other Republican Governors and even the States’ Republican Senate and House leadership can surely use this a ‘MODEL’ to protect Women and most importantly our daughters and grand daughters until Jesus comes and not be POLITICALLY CORRECT OR BOW DOWN TO THE SATANIC DRIVEN POLITICAL AGENDA.   Currently, in America there are 24 ‘so called’ Republican Governors of which 4 are Females. Sadly, “Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has faced heavy criticism for failing to certify a bill banning biological males from playing women’s sports. The governor has steadily insisted the bill would subject South Dakota to lawsuits the state could not win and said she seeks to […]


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