Rally cry to open fire. Tone it down, liberals – before the body count goes up.

“Hate” – it’s an abstract word in the ongoing culture war, where you are branded as a “hater” by declaring that marriage is one man and one woman, or suggesting that illegal aliens are in the U.S. illegally. But after the near-massacre of Republican congressmen on a baseball field, can we agree that the shooter opened fire on them from a heart filled with hate? That his hatred for those with whom he disagreed could have resulted in a barrel-shooting slaughter of conservative lawmakers? OneNewsNow is familiar with the “hate” brand, since our parent organization is the American Family Association. AFA has been designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the same left-wing organization that was implicated when a shooter attempted to murder employees at the Family Research Council in 2012. That shooter told the FBI he…

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