32 mins read

Watchman: Jesus Did Not Follow the Law. During the Time He Lived, the Law Said That Only “Priests” Could Heal or Say That Someone Was Healed. So, Even Though There Are “Health Laws” in Place, the Time Pharisees (Also Known as the FDA, CDC, Who, WEF, Bill Gates, Soros, Health Renegades, GOP, and DNC) Still Make It Hard (Illegal) for People to Get Godly Health Products

SRH: When Jesus Launched His Public Ministry and Showed Up on the Scene, He Began Curing Everyone. He Advised Others to Also Breach the Law. Jesus Ignored These Restrictions Because He Was Aware That They Were Keeping People From Receiving Healing. No Franklin Graham Evil Get Your mRNA Kill Shot BS HNewsWire: The entire New Testament scriptures teach us a combat lifestyle as we fight against the Satanic new world order. Allegiance to Jesus Christ must take precedence over allegiance to family members. This is not a popular teaching in today’s corporate Christian church, yet the teachings of Jesus recorded in the Bible are extremely clear on this subject, as this passage in Matthew chapter 10 clearly demonstrates. Luke’s gospel contains considerably harsher wording from Jesus: Anyone who comes to me and does not despise his father and mother, wife […]


7 mins read

Watchman: Baby Killers and The Sorcery of Bill Gates,CDC,FDA,Google’s Medicine

Deaths among infants have been skyrocketing since COVID mRNA injections were pushed onto the masses in early 2021. Thank Google’s Dr Gates Kill Shots Expert HNewsWire: “It seems the only thing the COVID ‘vaccine’ doesn’t kill is the COVID virus By SRH, When it became known that a Canadian investigator was looking into sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) instances directly related to childhood immunization, she was suspended and demonized. After nine newborns in Ottawa passed away after their moms received the Wuhan coronavirus “vaccination,” Helen Grus decided to investigate into the situation (COVID-19). Grus was interested in finding out if the shots contributed to the babies’ demise. Grus’ investigation caused some of the families to feel as though their privacy had been violated, leading the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) to strike a settlement with at least one of them. Grus’s […]


31 mins read

Watchman: The Demonic Spirit of Medicine Has Been Prophesied for Thousands of Years to Be the Means by Which the Whole World Would Be Deceived by the “Merchants” Who Distribute It, Kill Shots (mRNA) to Their Own Destruction

The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants (Pfizer, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, etc.) were the world’s great men. By your “magic spell” (pharmakeia: medicine/drugs/vaccines) all the nations were led astray. (Revelation 18:23)   HNewsWire: by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News The medical system in the United States today is on the brink of collapse. I seriously doubt that there are too many people who would question or doubt this statement. For example, 100,000 nurses have left the medical system since COVID, and 800,000 more nurses plan on quitting. (Source.) Pharmaceutical drug shortages have become so severe, that pharmacists and hospitals are now rationing medical care. (Source.) And many hospitals are now “dumping” patients on the street, because they can no […]


1 min read

Watchman’s Warning: Influenza Spraying, Military Rule 23, and Bio Warfare–It Appears That Our Efforts to Hold the Medicine Regulators Accountable Are Misplaced. Because US Law Has Been Steadily Amended Over Many Years to Make This Absurd and Offensive Reality Legal, It Turns Out the Whole Thing Is a US Military Operation, and They Alone Make All the Decisions Legally

Update: Trump’s Operation Warp Speed: The mRNA Vaccines Have Been in Development by the US Department of Defense (DARPA) Since 2011, “Kill Shot,” the Government Has Lied, People Have Died or Been Injured, and There Has Been No Recourse By StevieRay Hansen | April 2, 2024 | 0 Comments HNewsWire: These mRNA injections were never health products; this was a military operation (not just the distribution of the vaccine); no, the Department of Defense ran OWS; HHS and FDA were a front! a military operation but a freemason operation using the military. In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen almost…...

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