11 mins read

Man who Raped 12-year-old awarded joint custody of her child. Judge has stayed his ruling and ordered a special hearing to consider objections by the mother’s lawyer.

Rape culture refers to an environment in which the prevailing social attitudes normalize or trivialize sexual assault and abuse Further, the New Testament is clear that Christians are to obey the laws of their governing authorities (Romans 13). Not only is rape morally wrong; it is also wrong according to the laws of the land. As such, anyone who would commit this crime should expect to pay the consequences, including arrest and imprisonment. To the victims of rape, we must offer much care and compassion. God’s Word often speaks about helping those in need and in vulnerable situations. Christians should model the love and compassion of Christ by assisting victims of rape in any way possible. People are responsible for the sins they commit, including rape. However, no one is beyond the grace of God. Even to those who have committed the vilest of […]


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