1 min read

Watchman: The Great God Awakening Is Well Underway, With Pastors, Nurses, and Other “Vaccine” Pushers Receiving Death Threats

Google Call Gates a Doctor,SRH Call Gates EVIL! HNewsWire: By 2nd Smartest Guy in the World The Great Awakening is well underway. More and more people are making the connections, and deducing the almost unbearable truth that the slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” are responsible for unprecedented death and destruction all around us. For all but the most brainwashed, it is becoming painfully clear that there is a global bioterror eugenics program underway, and so the death threats have commenced: Well… it’s happening… I was chatting with a friend of mine the other day, from small town Saskatchewan, and he said their local public health nurse has resigned due to death threats. Her father warned her not give the COVID shots, because, he said, “You don’t know what’s in them.” But she was super pro vaccines, so she administered them left,…...

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