Nearly half of all CNN Twitter followers are fake, HNewsWire that’s real news…

CNN is being haunted by the very social media platform that it has incessantly accused President Donald Trump of exploiting, as Twitter Audit announced that the “fake news” giant has more than 17 million “fake” Twitter followers. In addition to its credibility problems after declaring war on Trump during his presidential campaign last year, the beleaguered Leftist news hub boasts 17 million more Twitter followers than it really has, according to Twitter Audit, which is in the business of sorting out how many phony Twitter followers companies and personalities have, compared to real ones. “Each audit takes a sample of up to 5,000 [or more] Twitter followers for a user and calculates a score for each follower,” Twitter Audit explained. “This score is based on number of tweets, date of the last tweet, and ratio of followers to friends.” You…


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Northwestern U Seeks Employee Highly Skilled in ‘Social Justice Education’ That’s the exact spelling of “indoctrinate.”

Liberal Tears Mug – []( Social Justice Warriors Getting Obliterated from EVERYONE Compilation [social justice warriors vs logic,](http://Liberal Tears Mug – Social Justice Warriors Getting Obliterated from EVERYONE Compilation social justice warriors vs logic, social justice warriors owned, social justice warriors meltdown, social justice warriors meltdown compilation, social justice warriors triggered, social justice warriors get owned, social justice warriors fail, social justice warriors react to donald trump victory, social justice warriors cringe, social justice warriors trump, social justice warriors, social justice warriors anthem, social justice warriors are idiots, social justice warriors attack, social justice warriors arrested, social justice warriors animation, social justice warriors australia, social justice warriors are cancer, social justice warriors are bullies, social justice warriors always lie, social justice warriors are stupid, social justice warriors bill burr, social justice warriors ben shapiro, social justice warriors beat up,…


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Fake News CNN caught cold, but what about NBC, CBS & ABC?” NY Times & Washington Post, MSLSD ?….

CNN’s relentlessly biased coverage of the Left’s baseless Russian electoral collusion conspiracy theory against President Trump is “mostly bullshit,” a senior CNN producer was caught revealing on sensational hidden camera video footage. President Trump promptly agreed with the producer on Twitter. “So they caught Fake News CNN cold, but what about NBC, CBS & ABC?” the president tweeted at 8:47 a.m. yesterday. “What about the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost? They are all Fake News!” CNN producer John Bonifield made the brazen admission of the network’s absence of journalistic bona fides to an undercover reporter from ACORN-slayer James O’Keefe’s investigative nonprofit, Project Veritas. “He not only gave us a tour of CNN’s main newsroom, he gave us a window into the editorial bias and anti-Trump agenda of the organization,” O’Keefe says as he narrates the video. Project Veritas is touting the…


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Over the weekend, CNN published a story about the Trump/Russia connection based on anonymous sources that turned out to be completely false.

In [just-released video footage]( from Project Veritas, a senior producer at CNN reveals that despite not having any “giant proof” that Trump colluded with Russia, the network’s CEO, Jeff Zucker, ordered reporters to pursue Russia leads at the expense of other stories because it has been great for CNN’s ratings It’s happened again. Over the weekend, CNN published a story about the Trump/Russia connection based on anonymous sources that turned out to be completely false. Back in January, CNN published a story based on a now-discredited file that made claims about a connection between then-President-elect Donald Trump and Russia, only to find out that neither Trump nor anyone from his team was anywhere near the foreign country when an alleged meeting took place. ### ![C8dHTzGUAAAsrMz.jpg]( CNN eventually retracted that story – but apparently learned little from the experience. This last…


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The MSM labeled anyone that voted for President Trump everything from misogynists to racists, Xenophobes, sexists, now they dying…

## The ‘Bloodbath’ Commences At Liberal Mainstream Media Publications – ‘They Lied Themselves To Death’ By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine What do the NYT, Huffington Post, ESPN, Guardian, NBC, Vocativ, Time, and NBC have in common? Two things actually: 1) They are liberal publications, and; 2) They are all laying off workers, offering buy-outs or “restructuring” or moving assets from print copy to digital, or whatever “excuse” they are offering for the “bloodbath” being seen across the board. The one thing absolutely none of them are even considering is that their declaration of war against half of America and outright “fake news” they have been caught publishing of late, could have anything to do with the fact that publications like Breitbart are expanding their operations (which caused many in the MSM to meltdown back in January), and sites…


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NBC News Andrea Mitchell, poster woman of the propaganda mill..

If there’s anything that the most recent presidential campaign and its aftermath have made crystal clear, it’s that the major news media in America are teeming with leftists who overtly and covertly promote leftist worldviews and agendas. Andrea Mitchell, who has been the chief foreign-affairs correspondent at NBC News since [1994](, is emblematic of the media’s pitiful devolution into nothing more than a propaganda mill. Like a dutiful leftist, for instance, Mitchell has long viewed white Republicans and conservatives as being particularly inclined toward racism. During a June 2008 appearance on MSNBC, she referred to a heavily pro-Republican area of southwestern Virginia where then-presidential candidate Barack Obama was campaigning, as “real redneck, sort of, bordering on Appalachia country.” In a December 2015 discussion about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s call for a temporary halt on Muslim immigration to the United States, Mitchell said: “I will tell you…


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“Radical,violent leftist environmentalists or speech suppressing thugs, like the rioting ‘antifa’ movement – receive no mention from the SPLC.

Commentary by StevieRay Hansen ** Radical, violent leftist environmentalists ,antifa movement** YouTube has splurged their search database for anything relating to antifa movement, racial violence left us environmentalists, social justice warrior’s. It didn’t take Google, who owns YouTube long to get on board with censoring, conservatives, Christians and fair-minded people. I’m putting them on notice now that if the blood flows in the streets there personally responsible, that would include Twitter, Facebook and any other social media platform that censors the truth. Our colleges in this country are having classes on the social justice warrior’s these colleges and professors are giving our young people a license to riot, destroy all in the name of the liberal agenda. Support HNewsWire to help build a global news network that provides a credible source for world news We believe Christians need and deserve…


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Washington’s open mockery of human rights and freedom of speech is finally challenged and stopped, TRUMP HATERS.

Recently behind-the-scenes rules and restrictions being used by Facebook have [fallen]( into the hands of Guardian reporters. According to their report, moderators employed by the tech giant are entitled to decide what exactly the 2 billion users of this social network can or cannot publish on their pages. This report has provoked a massive discussion on the absence of any ethical norms that could prevent the tech giant from exercising censorship, along with disputes about the determination of US intelligence agencies to spy on their citizens in violation of the USA Freedom Act. The fact that the US created the Internet as a tool of exercising control over information space, as a convenient environment for espionage, collecting dirty facts and spreading lies has been established long ago. For those naïve few who refuse to believe the facts, one can only be reminded of…


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Twitter’s bias against conservatives is well-known

If President Trump’s blocking of certain individuals leads to a legal challenge, Twitter could find themselves in an awkward position as a social media platform which has actively worked to provide their users with content moderation tools for individuals using the service. Twitter allows users to block others, censor “sensitive content,” and even mute certain keywords that they would rather not have appear on their timeline. Twitter has had little issue with censoring conservative voices on its platform, however, as Breitbart Tech has reported: Twitter’s bias against conservatives is well-known. The company frequently bans or locks the accounts of conservative users who have not broken its terms of service, while allowing threats of violence against the President and First Lady to run rampant on the platform. Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and…


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I was banned from Facebook for writing about Facebook censorship! VIDEO

Twitter, FakeBook every time you censor a conservative, Christian or fair-minded person you’re showing your weakness, can’t the liberals stand on the merits of an argument without you intervening and censoring on behalf of the left, silenced by the ugly left a.k.a. liberals, recently I was Banned by Tweeter and Facebook for posting news stories that were valid that had solid sources but when against the liberal mindset(no morals no laws free-for-all society) if you’re a conservative, Christian, individual that’s of good character and trying to get your message out on social media don’t bother it’s not going to happen the ugly left will not let it happen. You see the only way they can win the war is by cheating, lying, manipulating or censoring the facts. Tweeter followers I’m in Tweeter, FakeBook JAIL. Ten false fears being deployed as journo-terrorism…


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