Watchman: Big Tech Beast System: The Mark Is Coming Technology Tycoons Influencing Biblically Bankrupt Society Worldwide

HNewsWire: Technology is developing at an incredible rate. However, it only serves as a parallel to developments in other fields that the impending Antichrist would use to carry out his nefarious schemes to subjugate humanity during the Tribulation. Political, economic, social, governmental, religious, and technological advancements will be necessary for the impending Beast regime in order for the Antichrist to realize all of his goals. We must also keep in mind that the Antichrist will require assistance to complete his mission. The Antichrist uses a coalition of ten kings to carry out his global Beast system, despite the fact that he is given authority by the Dragon himself (Rev 13:2, 4). Then, three of them will be defeated or eliminated later. Let’s think about how the Bible characterizes these 10 “kings.” Daniel 7:19-20 KJV: “Then I would know the truth…


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Watchman: Professor and Top Economist (Satan Soldiers) Reveals Central Banks’ Desire To Microchip You in Order To Manage CBDCs,666

HNewsWire: “But what was already ready around 2015, is the ultimate goal – what they really want, apparently, I was told by a Central Banker – is CBDC looks like a small grain of rice that they want to put under your skin, which is my view a violation of human dignity. And they realize there is a hurdle to get people to accept this.” Economics Professor Richard Werner, the man who introduced the economic philosophy of “Quantitative Easing” (QE1 and QE2), recently dropped a bombshell of information regarding the future of commerce and money, and how central banks are working to usher it in. Prof. Werner has directly worked with central bankers to discuss policy and monetary action, and is a bestselling author who has predicted a lot of the problems world economies face today, and was even honored as…


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According to a Watchman, Elon Musk Is a Soldier of Satan Who Will Bring About the Mark of the Beast in People’s Foreheads. Neuralink– Individuals Who Identify as Christians and Engage in Online Social Media Platforms…

Such as Twitter and Facebook, May Be Susceptible to Being Influenced by Elon Musk’s Purportedly Misguided Vision of a Dystopian Society. It Is Important to Recall That According to the Bible, Numerous Individuals Will Be Misled by Deceitful Fake Anti-Christ Prophets, Including Elton Musk HNewsWire: Elon Musk’s Neuralink has started looking for a clinical trial director, bringing the company one step closer to developing technology that can connect the human mind directly to devices. According to Neuralink’s website, the company’s goal is to create a “brain computer interface” that will allow people to wireless transmit and receive information between their brain and a computer. For several decades, scholars have been gradually advancing the development of brain-computer interfaces. During the 1970s, the Department of Defense became involved in the aforementioned matter, motivated by aspirations of creating an army of superhuman soldiers.…


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