Ohio Attorney General Rejects Proposal To Ban Vaccine Mandates For The Fourth Time.

After Attorney General Dave Yost rejected a proposed bill banning vaccine mandates on March 11, a group of Ohio citizens says they would not give up. Yost had declined the initiative for the fourth time. He emphasized the fact that the ballot summary text provided by the proposal’s backers is incorrect this time. Yost wrote to Diana Smith, the ballot initiative’s creator, alleging that the proposed ballot summary incorrectly said that the proposed law would prohibit employers from discriminating against people based on their vaccination status. He also pointed out that the proposed measure’s summary falsely claims that public entities cannot deter businesses from breaking the law or penalize firms for refusing to do so. Yost also pointed out two other areas in which the draft summary misrepresented the proposed law’s impact on businesses. The “Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act,”…

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