13 mins read

Watchman: While Providing Israel With Unwavering Support, Evangelical Christians Turn Their Backs on Christians in Palestine Who Are Being Killed and Attacked by Antichrist Jews. The Result Is Ungodly, the Last War in Real Time

HNewsWire: Wake-UP by Brian Shilhavy Viola and Yara, Christian Palestinians who were relatives of former Michigan Rep. Justin Amash, who is also Palestinian. They were recently killed by an Israeli airstrike of a Christian Church. Source. The Evangelical Christian Zionism cult has made it very clear in recent days that they will support modern day Israel at any cost, even when Jews who do not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah attack Christians living in Palestine who do accept that Jesus Christ was the Messiah. This fanatical belief by Zionist Christians has existed for years now, as they choose to side with the Jews who attack Christians, rather than the Christians who are being murdered by Jews. Listen to a Jew himself state this belief. (Note: This man’s views do NOT represent ALL Jews!)   Please be educated on this […]


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