Watchman: Daily Devotional, Is There Demonic Activity in the World Today?

It’s fascinating to read through the Gospels and Acts and look at difficulties that appeared to be medical or psychiatric concerns but were attributed to demonic activity by Jesus and the disciples. While we may accept that the guy who dwelt in the Gerasenes’ graves (Mark 5) was possessed, the silent youngster with seizures (Mark 9:14-29) appeared to have epilepsy. And the guy in Matthew 12:22 was labeled as possessed by a demon simply because he was blind and deaf. Modern medicine would explain such things away, yet Jesus did not correct the people when they blamed medical problems on a demon. Other incidents were definitely the product of demonic activity, frequently because those who were possessed spoke things they should not have said. A guy yelled in a synagogue “What are you doing here, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you…

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Watchman: Daily Devotional, 19. The Beast and the False Prophet (Rev 13:1-18)

The general character of the Tribulation is clearly portrayed in this chapter. It is a time of slavery, blasphemy, apostasy, and gross satanic activity. Let us thank God that we have the blessed hope of Our Lord and Savoir. But let us not, as we contemplate on all this, forget our responsibility to be involved in the propagation of the gospel of Christ, the only hope for the world. The Beast Out of the Sea (13:1-10) As one studies this section, it is helpful to keep in mind that this prophecy is closely tied to the prophecies of Daniel (cf. Daniel 2:42, 44; 7:7, 8, 20; 8:25; 11:36; 9:27). Also remember that this is still a parenthetical section describing one of the key forces, kingdoms, and personages of the Tribulation. In his first advent, the Lord Jesus said: He who believes…

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“And Whatever You Ask in Prayer, You Will Receive, if You Have Faith”

When we want something, the best way to get it is to ask for it. But many times, we have unrealistic expectations that people will read our minds and somehow know what we desire without being told. So, we whine or brood and get angry at others when we don’t receive what we want. This daily devotional offers a biblical way to stop the whining. Christ is speaking in today’s Scripture. He stresses two points: God Will Respond to Your Request There is proof throughout the Scriptures that God answers the prayers of Christians who believe and have faith in Him. You may not get the answer you think you should, but He will answer according to His Will and Purpose for your life. No matter the outcome, you can show your appreciation and thanks for what you do

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