6 mins read

Watchman: Steve Quayle Joined Alex Jones Live via Skype to Discuss the World’s Growing Dangers and Evils. During This Discussion, Quayle Shared His Account of a Vision He Had in Which Jesus Christ Entrusted Him With Joseph’s Ministry–Today There Are Many So-Called Prophets That We Might Spell “Profits” Because They Are Motivated by Money

SRH: In the Bible, watchmen were guards tasked with guarding cities and military outposts against unexpected enemy attacks and other potential threats. Watchmen were frequently posted in watchtowers or on high walls in ancient Israelite cities. It was their responsibility to keep watch and alert the locals to any threats. The Hebrew word for “watchman” is “one who looks out,” “one who spies,” or “one who watches.” Watchmen occasionally served as scouts who kept an eye out for both friends and enemies on the move. The Bible frequently makes mention of watchmen who kept an eye out for potential dangers: “Now the watchman was standing on the tower in Jezreel, and he saw the company of Jehu as he came and said, ‘I see a company.’ Take a horseman and send him to meet them, and let him ask, “Is […]


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