8 mins read

The Rebuilding of the Third Temple, the Bear of the North—Russia Coming Very Soon

SRH: Subsequently over a time, there was a great temple that had fallen into destruction. The people longed for its restoration, for it held great significance in their hearts. They believed that its rebuilding would bring them hope and prosperity. In a distant land, there lived a mighty bear, known as the Bear of the North. This bear was strong and powerful, commanding respect from all who encountered it. It possessed great influence and had the ability to shape the destiny of nations. But as the bear roamed the land, a series of calamities and natural disasters began to unfold. It seemed as though the world was being shaken to its core. The people were filled with fear and uncertainty, wondering if these events were a sign of something greater. Little did they know, these events were intricately connected. The […]


5 mins read

Watchman: For the Third Temple, Levites Tune Up. Before the Messiah, the Last Secret to Be Revealed, According to the 18th-Century Torah Scholar Gaon of Vilna, Would Be the Temple Music.

Levites tune up for the Third Temple On Thursday, the third intermediary day of Passover, Levites gathered in Jerusalem to reenact their musical role in the Temple. A group of about two dozen Levites gathered in the Old City to practice their singing while wearing garments designed for use by the Temple musicians in the Third Temple. Singing led to dancing, celebrating the joy of the Biblical feast. The Levites also blew silver trumpets that had been prepared for use in the Third Temple. Traditionally, Temple musicians were selected from the tribe of Levi. The Zohar explains that the Levites were selected to sing in the Temple because the name Levi means to accompany, and their music would cause others to come close to God. In the days that the Temples stood in Jerusalem, the Levites sang on the 15 […]


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