23 mins read

Watchman: The World Entered Tribulations January 1, 2020, The Worst

Is Yet to Come, Anarchy in Every Direction… Hell on Earth, It’s Going to Get Real and Nowhere to Hide… Bible prophecy predicts that there will be several significant events signaling the End of the Age. These seminal events will occur just prior to the beginning of a period called Daniel’s 70th Week, and they will serve to alert everyone that the final days have come upon the world… Daniel’s prophecy of the 70 Weeks is an incredible prediction of the Lord’s future dealings with the nation of Israel. The angel Gabriel gave this prophecy to Daniel over 2,500 years ago (Dan. 9:24-27). The word translated “week” in this prophecy is actually the Hebrew word “shabua”, which means a period of 7 days or 7 years. In the context of this prophecy, it means 7 years; thus, according to Daniel, there […]


34 mins read

Update: 4/1/23 White Horse In Play: The United Nations Must Be at the Top of the Pecking Order for the New World Order to Be Complete. We’re Just a Few Steps Away From It Happening

The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader. HNewsWire: “The United Nations is the greatest fraud in history. It’s purpose is to destroy the United States.” (John E. Rankin, a U.S. Congressman) “The age of nations must end. The governments of nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties into one government to which they will surrender their arms.” (U.N. World Constitution) The first president of the United Nations General Assembly, Paul-Henri Spaak, who was also a prime minister of Belgium and one of the early planners of the European Common Market, as well as secretary-general of NATO, affirmed, “We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of […]


9 mins read

White Horse in Play, Nation against Nation: Israeli Army Shells Targets in Lebanon after Terrorist Rocket Fire, Israel’s Conflicts with Hamas in 2014 and 2021 respectively, Tribulation – “The World Is about to Come Undone”

HNewsWire: After a terrorist rocket was fired into Israel earlier in the evening, the Israel Defense Forces bombarded targets in Lebanon on Monday. In response for the rocket shot into Israeli land, IDF artillery is presently hitting targets in Lebanon and shooting at the launch place, according to an IDF spokeswoman, who added that the source of the launch was hit with hundreds of artillery rounds. The missile fell in an open region in northern Israel, near the border with Lebanon, causing no damage. The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) has advised both sides to keep their hands off one other. “Early this morning, a missile was fired from Lebanon toward Israel.” The Israel Defense Forces are retaliating with hundreds of rounds. “In this tense and continuing situation, UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander @aroldo lazaro advises […]


12 mins read

Update: 12/26/22 White Horse In Play: Global Censorship — Court Rules EU Government Can Remove Content. The Court of Justice of the European Union Has Ruled That EU Governments Can Order Facebook to Take Down Content Worldwide, Twitter Has an Up-Hill Battle

This Is the Same EU That Has Labeled Part of the Bible as Hate Speech. HNewsWire: A tweet from Elon Musk on Tuesday: “I simply mean that which is legal.” The European Union has warned Elon Musk that he could be fined or even banned from Twitter if he lets people speak freely there. In the Financial Times, EU commissioner Thierry Breton said that Musk must follow rules about censoring illegal and harmful content on the internet because words have become “sticks and stones” when it comes to the risks of modern life. “Everyone is welcome. As long as we agree, we’re open, but only on our terms. “Elon, there are rules.” Welcome, but these are our rules. It’s not your rules that will be used here “Breton said that, and I agree. Musk’s deal to take Twitter private could […]


11 mins read

White Horse In Play: Russia Confirms Satan Soldiers in Europe ‘Significantly Increased Gas Purchases,’ Funding Ukraine War, Plandemic Has Surfaced, and Hippocrates Is Fleeing For Cover Oh, the Rats are Leaping From the Ship

The lowlifes are crawling back behind the rock, they have emerged—much like Biden and the rest of Satan’s Soldiers Who Wish to Devour God’s People. HNewsWire: According to the Russian news outlet Tass, European governments “substantially boosted their gas imports from Russia” this year, despite worldwide demands to boycott the country due to its continuing conflict in Ukraine. According to Tass, an official spokeswoman for Russia’s natural gas business Gazprom acknowledged that Europe not only continued to buy gas from Russia, but also received supplies across Ukrainian territory. Since 2014, when Moscow annexed Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula in the pretext of supposedly safeguarding ethnic Russians from Ukrainian government aggression, Russia has backed rebels in eastern Ukraine in a fight against Kyiv. In February, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that, rather than relying on proxies, his government would deploy its military troops […]


7 mins read

White Horse in Play: Mariupol Has Been “Wiped off the Face of the Earth,” Ukrainian Governor Says, Dead Bodies “Carpeted the Streets

HNewsWire: After weeks of siege and bombing, Russian soldiers have taken control of significant areas of Mariupol, according to the city’s mayor on Monday. “We don’t have control over everything,” Mayor Vadym Boichenko told News Cable on Monday. “Unfortunately, we are now in the hands of the occupiers.” According to Boichenko, less than half of the city’s peacetime people survived. “To our estimations, around 160,000 people are now residing in the besieged city of Mariupol, where it is hard to survive due to a lack of water, power, heat, and connectivity,” he stated. “It’s also rather frightening.” “The enemy may recover the ground Mariupol once stood on,” he continued, “but the city of Mariupol has been wiped off the face of the earth by the Russian Federation, by people who will never be able to rebuild it.” “Only Ukraine has […]


5 mins read

In a Diplomatic Letter, Moscow Warns the U.S. That Arming Ukraine Would Have “Unpredictable Consequences”

HNewsWire: This week, Russia delivered a formal diplomatic message to the United States, urging Washington and NATO to cease arming Ukraine. The Washington Post obtained a copy of the memo, which said that the Western push to transfer weaponry into Ukraine was “fueling” the crisis and might have “unprecedented implications.” The diplomatic message was delivered on Tuesday, after the announcement of a fresh, large US military assistance package for Ukraine. On Wednesday, President Biden unveiled the latest assistance, which is worth $800 million and includes howitzers for the first time. In addition to helicopters, the package includes armed Switchblade drones, coastal defense drones, armored vehicles, and radar equipment. Thousands of Stinger and Javelin missiles are also included in the bundle. The Russian Embassy in Washington sent the Russian message to the State Department. It claimed that the United States and […]


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