Watchman Update 9/6/23: Ungodly Franklin Graham Urges Evangelicals to Get Vaccinated A.K.A Kill Shot Before It’s ‘Too Late’—It May Be To Late For Mr. Graham—Also The Magazine, Which Was Begun by Billy Graham but Has Changed Significantly Over the Years, Wrote, “I Used CHATGPT

SRH: All Believers Should Avoid Mr. Billy Graham and His Self-Proclaimed Prophet Sister HNewsWire: Wake Up ! Christianity Today Has Started Endorsing Pastors “That Use AI for Sermons,” and the HNW Is Wondering Why. Evil: “I Used ChatGPT for Six Months to Help My Pastoral Ministry,” stated the magazine, which was founded by Billy Graham but has transformed substantially over the years. This is what worked: “Since ChatGPT became publicly accessible last year, we’ve heard reports that artificial intelligence (AI) will replace jobs and disrupt other aspects of our lives,” Yu-Li Lin explains. Individual Taiwanese churches may not be aware of such developments at this time. However, in recent months, a number of Christian intellectuals have discussed how AI could either help or replace humans in pastoral care and preaching.” “Several pastors have pointed out that AI lacks physical, emotional,…

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Watchman: One Of Satan’s Most Trusted Soldiers, Franklin Graham: “Jesus Would Have Taken the Covid-19 Vaccine”

In 2Thes.2 Paul is teaching the church about the great falling away and the coming of the “man of sin”. In it Paul says that the great falling away is caused by a strong delusion that comes upon those who were in the church. And that this strong delusion is for those in the church that have never come to a love of the truth. So it is these who are sent this strong delusion. It is for those who believed they have come to a love for the truth but never did. Because instead they allowed themselves to be deceived by Satan through false teachers and wound up joining themselves to a false religion that called itself Christianity but was not Christianity at all. So this passage is not speaking of a delusion that happens to those who never gave…

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