1 min read

Watchman’s Warning: Dangers of RNAi Crops–We Will All Experience the Consequences of Their Actions, It Will Be Harmful, Because Their Intention Is to Reduce the Population. Keep In Mind Ephesians 6 and Psalm 91, as We Confront Real Wickedness

By SRH, Envision a technology capable of genetically altering organisms instantly, muting essential genes throughout vast ecosystems with unpredictable consequences. This may seem like a concept from a science fiction novel, but it is happening now. A novel group of pesticides utilizing RNA interference, known as RNAi, are currently being used in agriculture and food production without thorough examination or supervision. Concerns raised by organic farmers and supporters of non-GMO products suggest that the potential dangers are severe. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) highlighted the innovative RNA interference (RNAi) technology utilized in SmartStax Pro, emphasizing its ability to naturally regulate gene activity in various organisms. By targeting a specific gene crucial for corn rootworm survival, this product acts as a pesticide with minimal impact on non-target organisms. EPA commended the precision of SmartStax Pro in effectively managing corn rootworm populations…...

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