93 mins read

Watchman’s Update: Gog and Magog Have Taken Shape, Saudi Arabia Seeks to Join the Russia/China-Led BRICS Coalition, and America Will Cease to Exist Once This Event Occurs, Tribulation Warp Speed!

HNewsWire: Take A Hard look At This Pic! It’s hard to overstate the potential impact of a move underway that – thanks to Biden’s catastrophic diplomacy – could result in China replacing the U.S. as a security guarantor with the petro-monarchies that control so much of the world’s oil reserves. Notice The Left Hand HNewsWire:Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman welcomed Xi Jinping to Riyadh (screen grab from YouTube). Bloomberg reports: Oil-rich Gulf monarchies are using their wealth to strengthen ties with China as they worry about the future of their long-standing security partnership with the United States. Seven months after President Xi Jinping attended the first China-Gulf summit in Riyadh, economic exchanges between the world’s second-largest economy and countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have increased, expanding far beyond crude purchases, where Beijing has long held sway. […]


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