The President Signed a Memo on Wednesday That Ordered the Federal Government to

begin the Process of Defunding New York City, Portland, Seattle, and Washington, Cities Where Local Officials Allowed “Lawless” Protests and Cut Police Budgets Amid Rising Violent Crime… The Progressive Democratic Mayors and Governors Plan Were to Allow Riots, Murders to Take Place Then Turn the Tables on the Trump to Manipulate the November Elections. These Hyper Pukes Would Allow People to Die to Unseat Pres. Trump, Folks, Things Are Going to Get Ugly, and I See Blood Flowing in the Streets Needlessly Because of the Democratic Party Allowing Enabling Criminals to Take Control of Cities Across This Country. Lawlessness Has Become the Norm and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Are the Captains of Evil. Until Those Two Individuals Removed From Power, This Country Will Remain Under a Demonic Delusion With the Intent Destroys the Duly Elected President of the United…


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