17 mins read

Watchman Says Bill Gates War on Meat,Deceitful and Seductive Spirits, and Doctrines of Demons. Now the Spirit Speaketh Expressly, That in the Latter Times Some Shall Depart From the Faith, Giving Heed to Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils. Bill Gates et al., Forbidding to Marry and Commanding to Abstain From Meats, it is Bible Prophecy

The King James Bible (KJB or KJV) is the only version of the Bible that accurately predicted and is currently fulfilling the prophecy of a war on meat consumption and encouraged by WEF and Gates not to consume it. All other popular, recent updated versions that have been released or revised multiple times alter the text, erasing the prophecy. By SRH, SRH: The Best Leaders Always Show the Way. Please Take Charge and Lead by Example. You Ungodly Slobs Eat Bugs for the Next Five Years. Bill Gates is yet again attempting to play god, this time he has yet again spoke of his plans to modify cows as part of a claimed effort to “fight climate change” by reducing the “methane emissions” from beef cattle. Gates made the call while speaking at the third edition of the French finance […]


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