5 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, No God, No Peace, A Sinister Force Behind Historical Conflicts, Global Agendas, Revolutions and World Wars

Daily Devotional: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” – Ecclesiastes 1:9 Men’s hearts and corruptions are the same now as they were in the past; their aspirations, pursuits, and complaints are the same. This should move us away from expecting enjoyment from the creature and toward seeking eternal blessings. How many things and people were considered wonderful in Solomon’s day, but hardly one remembers them anymore! Let us cling to the far more profound reality that the future will be the same as the past because God is the same. God’s yesterday is God’s tomorrow, with the same love, resources, knowledge, power, sustaining hand, and all-encompassing presence. When we claim there is nothing new under […]


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