Dr. Birx Admits She and Fauci Made up ‘The Science’ of Lockdowns, Social Distancing, People Should Never Be Subjected to Unresolved Science Again. One Should Call Science Demonic in a Lot of Ways, and People Do Not Need to Be Subjected to These Experiments on Humans

HNewsWire:President Trump’s former Covid-19 adviser Dr. Deborah Birx has made several stunning admissions of late – first telling the Daily Mail that Covid-19 “came out of the box ready to infect” when it hit Wuhan, China in 2019 – and that it may have been created by Chinese scientists who were “working on coronavirus vaccines.” But it goes further than that. As Fox News’ Jesse Waters lays out, Birx admitted in her new book that she and Dr. Anthony Fauci were essentially shooting from the hip when it came to national directives such as “two weeks to stop the spread,” and social distancing requirements. According to Waters, Birx “admitted to making things up,” adding that she and Fauci “were lying to the president and to the American people about their COVID protocols.” With the first lie; ’15 days to stop…


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ReCap 90 Days Ago: Coronavirus Crackdown – Beware “The New Normal”

Force is now the only rule remaining in deep state-controlled America. Everything has collapsed, no free speech, no fair trial, no system of justice, no reasonable expectation of human rights anywhere, no fair elections, no trustworthy news, no legitimate Wall Street operations, no real public education, no clean food, and threats from the elitist… A few days ago James Corbett posted a video titled “Is this THE big event?” the answer to that increasingly looks to be “yes”. Not the virus itself, you understand, which official statistics still show to be minor compared to annual flu outbreaks. But rather, what it’s being used for. The West’s vestigial democratic forms and slowly atrophying civil liberties are facing a final assault from draconian authoritarians sensing (or creating) their big moment. Spain is enjoying “martial law in all but name”, while Italy is likewise bringing in the army. In…


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