4 mins read

Watchman: Get Ready to Bud Light Walmart’s Latest Move – Satan Soldiers Doubling Down on Sin During Pride Month! They’re Set to Sell Sodomite Fanny Packs, but Don’t Bother Asking for Details!

By SRH, Walmart has announced the launch of a new collection celebrating Homosexual pride, featuring items such as a notebook with the phrase “beyond gender” and a tote bag with the words “tote gay.” Business analysts were taken aback by Walmart’s decision to cater to Satan Soldiers AKA Alphabet Activists. Following a nationwide boycott for selling transgender-friendly bathing suits, Target has reduced its Sin pride celebrations. Bud Light is facing challenges after selecting Dylan Mulvaney, a man who dresses as a woman, as one of their spokespeople. Both Wells Fargo and Levi Strauss have confirmed that they will not be scaling back their LGBT celebrations. In addition to adult merchandise, Walmart plans to introduce baby products, including onesies with messages like “I love my 2 moms” and “proud love.” For those interested, Walmart is also offering Homosexual fanny packs in […]


4 mins read

Watchman: Target Stores Offers Sodomite Gear and Lesbian Essentials, Every-Day High Prices For You Normal Christian Folks

HNewsWire: Target has drawn flak from conservatives once more after releasing Christmas decorations that some felt were too “woke,” such as a wheelchair-riding black Santa or a figure covered in rainbow-colored “pride” accessories. End Wokeness, a well-known conservative account on X with more than 1.8 million followers, posted multiple images of Christmas ornaments that Target is now selling. “Target outdid itself this year for Christmas,” End Wokeness wrote in a post on X, featuring two images: one of a figurine carrying a rainbow flag and the other of a black Santa Claus sitting in a wheelchair with a multicolored “pride” hat on. When will these companies realize that we are not pleased with all the trash they are hurling at us? Harvest the Whirlwind Objective. Recover it. Chick-fil-A is all about supporting LBGTQE for Evil people and the transgender cause. […]


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