Day after Manchester jihad massacre, Twitter and Facebook roll out hijabi emoji….

[![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts Day after Manchester jihad massacre, Twitter and Facebook roll out hijabi emoji ( MUSLIMS DO NOT ASSIMILATE, THEY INFILTRATE! THE CONSPIRACY TO ENSLAVE THE  AMERICAN PEOPLE TO ,ISLAM RUNS VERY DEEP ONLY WE CAN SAVE OUR PEOPLE FROM THIS CONSPIRACY!! ) There is an ongoing effort in the establishment media to present Islam and Sharia observance as completely ordinary, benign things, with no downside at all. This effort usually becomes more intense after a jihad massacre, with its attendant myth-making about racist, redneck yahoos supposedly victimizing hijab-wearing women: efforts such as this one are presented as attempts to offset that supposed outpouring of “hate” by “humanizing” hijab-wearing women and allowing sympathetic non-Muslims to stand in “solidarity” with them. That’s all wonderful,…

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PETITION: 100,000 Signatures To Arrest Homegrown Terrorists Kathy Griffin!

HELP US TO GET 100,000 SIGNATURES! SHARE THE PETITION WITH YOUR FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER! Sign the Petition The Left has been trying to bring down President Trump since before he even stepped foot in the White House. Kathy Griffin is showing the world that the left just got more radical. Comedian” Kathy Griffin did a photo shoot with photographer Tyler Shields recently. In one of the pictures, Kathy can be seen holding up a SEVERED DONALD TRUMP HEAD! Is she serious?! It makes matters more disturbing that the severed head is ALSO covered in blood! We were appalled when this photo surfaced. Kathy has been pretty outspoken for her displeasure with Trump, but that is not surprising coming from a liberal. But to see her in this form? It chilled us to the core. Violence from the Left…

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The Left’s Misguided Love Affair With Islam, VIDEO

Islamophobia: someone who knows more about Islam than they are supposed to. Why do so many liberals praise a religion that, at its root, is quite conservative, if not fundamentalist? Why do they defend a faith that would not defend them? Worse still, why do they defend a faith that, in some cases, would do violence to them? Last week, Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch and a New York Times bestselling author on radical Islam, was invited to speak at the University of Buffalo. But he was unable to say much because of the vocal opposition. He was shouted down and reviled, especially when attempting to read Islamic texts describing Islamic beliefs. To paraphrase, “Not on our campus! We are progressive. We are liberal. We are enlightened. You will not bring your hate-filled bigotry here!” In Spencer’s own words,…

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