8 mins read

Watchman: Record Number of Illegal Crossings: 371,000 in December There Has Been a Significant Increase in the Number of Illegal Border Crossings, Leading to Heightened Scrutiny of the Shadowy Obama/Biden Administration’s Approach to Managing the Planned Invasion of Illegal Immigrants Into TX

Stay very alert for a terrorist action from this dem assisted invasion. Hold EVERY dem responsible for whatever evil happens because of their collective policies. By SRH, Last month, data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) revealed a significant increase in the number of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. This ongoing border situation shows no signs of resolution. In December, a remarkable 371,036 individuals were apprehended while attempting to enter the United States unlawfully, surpassing the previous record of 341,392 set in August 2023. There has been a significant increase in encounters along the southwest land border, reaching a new record of 302,034, according to data released by CBP in January. In a stunning turn of events, the numbers have reached unprecedented levels, just as House Republicans are preparing to take action against Department of Homeland Security […]


4 mins read

Texas Will Make a Huge Move Relatively Soon, According to Watchman: It’s Time to Secede and Govern Ourselves. TX  Should Go It Alone. Other States Will Be Very Supportive of Us. Other Countries as Well. The Oil and Gas Business, Which the Federal Government Wishes to Eliminate, Will Thrive in a Free and Autonomous Country Like Texas. It Is #Texit Time

SRH Update: Governor Greg Abbott of Texas is facing increasing pressure from across the country to continue building razor wire fencing along the state’s southern border with Mexico, even in defiance of federal law. “Where are Texas’s men?” Tucker Carlson posted on X, asking, “Why aren’t they protecting their state and the nation?” “Everyone in authority, including the Supreme Court of the United States, hedge fund managers, and the White House, has chosen to accept invasions in order to destroy the nation. The populace must then protect itself. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court decided that Texas’s razor wire fence, which was put up to prevent illegal aliens from entering the country, may be taken down by the federal government. On X, Governor Abbott wrote, “This is not over.” “The razor wire in Texas effectively discourages the unauthorized crossings […]


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