11 mins read

Russia And China Are In It For The Long Haul; Strengthening Economic Ties Via Technological Innovation.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that his country will focus on developing ties with China, claiming that the two neighbors share mutual interests and can work together to grow technologically. According to a transcript issued by Russia’s Foreign Ministry on May 23, Lavrov remarked, “Now that the West has chosen the stance of ‘dictator,’ our economic connections with China will expand even quicker.” According to Russia’s state-run news agency RT, Lavrov made the statements to pupils at a Moscow high school. Russia and China, according to Lavrov, have “shared interests” in international affairs and may profit from working together on technology. “This is a chance for us to fulfill our potential in high technology, including nuclear energy, but also in a variety of other sectors,” Lavrov continued. Following a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi […]


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