Original China Virus Whistleblower Doctor Dies

In yet another stunning statement from the Director-General of the World Health Organization, up is down, war is peace, and caution is dangerous, There is A name for the empire that rules the continents. The reason we know this is because the Greek interlinear uses the Greek word ‘anoma’ in Revelation 13:1 (the name of blasphemy) and ‘anomaton’ (the plural form of ‘anoma’) in Revelation 17:3 (names of blasphemy). What is that name? United Nations. (WHO) World Health Organization = Satan… Why is this the blasphemous name? Because this organization claims to have already done for the entire world, under ha Satan, what the Messiah Yeshua will do but only for His own people and not the entire world – redemption and ingathering of the Israelite exiles. This is a one-ups-man-ship on the part of Satan. He has united the whole earth with YHVH’s people trapped…


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“We’d Rather Die At Home” – Chinese Citizens Rebel Against Mandatory Quarantine As Lockdown Expands

The “name of blasphemy” is a particular name. It is not “names” plural as some Bible versions render. There is A name for the empire that rules the continents. The reason we know this is because the Greek interlinear uses the Greek word ‘anoma’ in Revelation 13:1 (the name of blasphemy) and ‘anomaton’ (the plural form of ‘anoma’) in Revelation 17:3 (names of blasphemy). What is that name? United Nations. (WHO) World Health Organization = Satan… Why is this the blasphemous name? Because this organization claims to have already done for the entire world, under ha Satan, what the Messiah Yeshua will do but only for His own people and not the entire world – redemption and ingathering of the Israelite exiles. This is a one-ups-man-ship on the part of Satan. He has united the whole earth with YHVH’s people trapped within…


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Wisconsin Confirms First Coronavirus Case, Bringing US Total To 12

This censorship of Christian values is happening all across America.  One need looks no farther than Facebook, Youtube, and Google have been caught doing with “conservative” groups on their social media platforms… You, Scribes, and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in. “BeWarned” Summary: Wisconsin confirms the first case of coronavirus, bringing US total to 12 First babies born infected with coronavirus Hong Kong closes borders with mainland Doctors say death rate exaggerated by Wuhan fatalities 24,628 cases, 492 deaths President Xi says China ‘capable of suppressing the outbreak Cruise ship quarantined in Hong Kong WHO asks for more money as it ‘confirms’ China’s numbers 2 planeloads of Americans evacuated from Wuhan landed in California early Wednesday CDC says a total of…


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