Kill Shots Worked: Covid-19 Vaccine Is Linked to the Excess Mortality, and Months of Vaccine Injury Reports Were Now Spilling Over to Actuarial Data — Who’s Going to Jail For Murder?

On the one hand, Scott Davison of the OneAmerica insurance firm reported that the company had seen “the greatest mortality rates in the history of our business—not just at OneAmerica,” with a 40% increase in pre-pandemic death rates. Davison found that the majority of fatalities were not attributed to Covid-19, which is surprising. Vaccination injury reports and actuarial data have now spilled over, and it’s starting to demonstrate, among other things, that younger, working-age people started dying in increasing numbers as vaccine requirements struck – for a disease that typically kills older, non-working-age folks, the inference was plain. The opposing view, which is often advanced without supporting facts, asserts that the rise in cases is the result of individuals delaying necessary medical care during the epidemic. In the first camp, former Blackrock investment manager Ed Dowd has been examining factors…

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