Biden Satan Soldiers — Document Instructs Vaccine “Strike Force” Teams How to Clear

Buildings, Violate Trespass Laws and Flag Anti-Vaxxers for Forced Quarantines… A government document that has recently surfaced offers horrifying details on how door-to-door “strike force” vaccine enforcement teams plan to operate. Labeled, “Community Health Ambassador Outreach Door Knocking Project,” a now-public document published by the government of Lake County, Illinois, instructs “ambassadors” to: Violate “no soliciting” restrictions and illegally trespass onto private property. Impersonate Health Dept. officials and attempt to intimidate building managers into consenting to allowing entry for the strike force teams. Lie to the public and falsely claim covid vaccines are safe by withholding information about serious vaccine side effects, including hospitalizations and deaths. Clear buildings in military fashion, going floor by floor, wing by wing, knocking on doors and intimidating residents of apartment buildings and residential units. Recording the locations (address, room number) of anti-vaxxers in order…

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