Virginia Lawmakers: Destroy the People’s History, and You Can Kill the People

Disarm the people, their fate- slaves to the state, get in the rail car, Hitler’s playbook… The next thing the socialist/communist rhino RNCs- Anti-American DNCs will do is burn books that state facts about Confederates like the brown shirts in Germany did. After all, they use every branch of the government to go after their political opponents. That is who they are, it defines them… “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” –George Orwell Virginia Democrats Call for Robert E. Lee Statue to Be Removed from U.S. Capitol. Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam has indicated that he supports a request from Democratic Reps. Jennifer Wexton and A. Donald McEachin to remove the statue, according to The Washington Post.  Passage of such a proposal is possible because Democrats will control Virginia’s legislature in 2020.…

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