6 mins read

Satan Soldiers: Vaccines Exhibit “Reduced Efficacy” Against “Delta” Variant, WHO Doctor Warns

This has all been apparent since the first few weeks of the “plandemic.” Then again, it wasn’t the virus that did the job. It was our own media and “authorities.” Too many Americans trusted them both. Together, they formulated protocols that were utterly ineffective, pointless, and did more harm than good. As the mutant COVID-19 strain known as “Delta” picks up steam across Europe and the US, one of the WHO’s leading doctors has just expressed concern about recent research published in the Lancet showing that the first generation of COVID-19 vaccines aren’t as effective at protecting against “Delta”. Answering a question from a reporter during the organization’s regular Monday briefing in Geneva, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove said that there is data “showing a reduction in neutralization” for the Delta variant, but not as much as the “Beta” variant – […]


11 mins read

Satan Soldiers at the JVCI Say That “No Safety

Concerns Have Been Identified” in the USA–Advising All Pregnant Women Are Offered the Vaccine, “They’re Lying”… The JVCI say they came to the conclusion that pregnant women should be offered the Covid vaccines because “in the USA, around 90,000 pregnant women have been vaccinated mainly with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and no safety concerns have been identified“. But is this statement true? The latest data within the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the USA shows us that 395 women have reported the loss of their unborn child due to the Covid vaccines. Out of 90,000 this may not sound like many, but it’s important to remember that only 1% – 10% of adverse reactions are actually reported to the VAERS system, and there is a serious backlog due to the vast amount of adverse reactions that have been reported to the Covid […]


13 mins read

The World Health Organization, a.k.a Satan Soldiers Has Warned That a

Worse Plandemic Than COVID Could Be Around the Corner… The seven-year tribulation is part of God’s future history upon the world. It is the time period in which He pours out judgment upon the world because of wickedness. In all His actions He is sovereign and just. According to His sovereignty, “our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases” The World Health Organization has warned that a worse pandemic than COVID could be around the corner and that what we’ve seen so far in 2020 is “not necessarily the big one”. With global lockdowns, international stripping of freedoms, and the decimation of small businesses and the economy on the whole, it is difficult to imagine how it could get any worse. Yet the WHO is “predicting” that could very well be the case. The head of the WHO emergencies […]


36 mins read

Covid-19 Will Cause A New Financial Crisis, Economic Collapse Bank of America

 America’s largest bank is going on lockdown… Update (1230ET): On the heels of JPMorgan’s decision to begin its resilience plan, a number of the rest of US’ majors have also started their own contingency plans: Citi is sending hundreds of traders and salespeople to its backup site in Rutherford, NJ starting Monday as part of its coronavirus planning, CNBC’s Hugh Son reported in a tweet, citing a source. To view, the source of this information click here To contact the reporter on this story Bank of America is splitting its trading force, sending some employees to its back-up office in Stamford, Connecticut, Business Insider reports, citing an internal memo. Morgan Stanley is moving about half of its institutional securities traders to its disaster recovery site in Westchester, New York, Business Insider reported, citing a memo it saw. Plans for trading desk came days after non-essential […]


16 mins read

Fauci Expects Vaccine by Year-End, Even Though the Test Have Proven to Have

an Induced Adverse Reactions in “More Than Half” of Trial Participants, Are You Willing to Take the Chance? I Want to Remind You Bill Gates Is a Big Part of This Vaccine Push, the Man Could Not Give Us a Virus Free Computer Platform So Now He’s Going to Experiment on Humans Next… Summary: Alabama hospitalizations hit a record high Pennsylvania reinstates statewide restrictions South African virus cases top 300,000  President Jair Bolsonaro tests positive for the virus (again) California shatters record with 11,142 cases reported   Fauci says confident of vaccine by year-end 2021 Rose Bowl Parade on New Year’s Day has been canceled  Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt tests positive for COVID-19 as cases rise in state The worst appears to be over for Arizona  New Florida cases slow as total caseloads top 300,000 Partial lockdowns return across India India […]


17 mins read

Who Warns: “There Will Be No Return to Normal”– HNewsWire Warns: the Death

Angel Comin and Will Pay (WHO Mr.Tedros) a Visit, the Arms of the Wicked Shall Be Broken: But the Lord Upholdeth the Righteous… Texas Suffers Record Jump In New COVID-19 Infections, Deaths Dip: Live Updates Summary: Texas sees record jump in new casesFauci says Americans should ignore “political nonsense.”Spain places 160,000 under lockdownEU drops Serbia, Montenegro from safe travel listArizona sees big jump with 4,273 new casesNorth Carolina considers record hospitalizedAlabama reports record rise in deathsModerna releases latest clinical trial updateTMC publishes latest Houston numbersPhilly bars all public events until Feb 2021Florida positivity rate jumps to 15%+Florida reports the most significant jump in deathsIndia places Bangalore back on lockdownUS daily cases below 60kGlobal regular situations below 200kHong Kong imposes new restrictionsFrance makes a mask-wearing mandatory in publicAustralia cases top 10k.Iran closes mosques, schools.WHO warns: “there will be no return to […]


7 mins read

Dr. Gotya Fauci Will Not Stop Until They Find a Way to Control Your Every Move, This Man Is a Control Freak, Out of Control

Fauci is a man of Belial, a wicked man, whose continual practice it is, in one way or other, to work wickedness; walketh with a froward mouth — Makes it his business, by lies; or flatteries, or slanders, or perjuries, to maintain himself in his idle courses. And if the slothful are to be condemned that do nothing, much more those that act wickedly, and contrive to do all the ill they can. He winketh with his eyes, &c. — He vents his wickedness, as by his speech, so also by his gestures, by which he secretly intimates what he is ashamed or afraid to express openly to his accomplices, his intentions or desires of doing some evil to someone; he teacheth with his fingers — Having declared his designs by the motion of his eyes, or feet, he points out the particular person by his fingers. Frowardness is […]


37 mins read


The Antichrist Spirit Has Begun to Move, He Is Strong-Willed and Reckless in His Determination to Have His Way. He Will Show Contempt for Human Traditions and Will, of Course, Change Even the Calendar so That It Will No Longer Be Related to the Birth of Jesus (Daniel 7:25)… Coronavirus (“Chinese virus”) kills the oldest and has no respect for authority. Many of the most powerful people in the world are old, and coronavirus does not discriminate based on social status. Deaths are now hitting at high levels (not of death but of status), which can change the political conflicts of our world Map China Puts County On Lockdown After New Corona Cluster Emerges China is no longer fixed. Having lied for the past two months about the severity and the extent of coronavirus pandemic which its virologists started in Wuhan, eager to […]


16 mins read

Health Officials (Anthony S. Fauci) Warned Tuesday That Surges in Coronavirus Infections in More Than a Dozen States

The New World Order plan is almost complete, crush the economy and humanity is Crush, The “Second Wave” Of COVID-19 will Crush Oil Markets… Need New Restrictions says Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-disease expert and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the country is still in the grip of the pandemic’s first wave, including a “disturbing surge” of new cases in Southern and Western states, including Florida, Texas, and Arizona Are we on the verge of a second wave of coronavirus infections? Is there a spike in infections in states that reopened first? The only way to answer that question is to watch as the data roll in. Arguably the best data to look at to see if a second wave is beginning are the hospitalization numbers. The media frequently reports the biggest and […]


34 mins read

Firestorms and Conflagrations

The Trumpet Judgments… In the book of Revelation, the Apostle John records terrible visions of nuclear weapons causing vast destruction at the end of the age through the generation of massive firestorms and conflagrations. In some of the most frightening prophecies within the entire Bible, John describes the effects of horrific judgments coming upon the Earth as seven trumpets begin to sound. Each of these trumpets heralds a cataclysmic event that is seen to shake the very foundation of life on this planet. In fact, so monumental is the beginning of this period that the Bible says that there will be complete silence in Heaven before it starts (Rev. 8:1). In chapter 8 of Revelation, the seventh and final seal is opened by the Lord to set these events in motion. This is the way John describes this solemn scene: […]


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