3 mins read

Gilead Baptist Church Youth Pastor William Wesley Williamson Was Arrested for Sexually Abusing a Child Under 12

One of the most infamous incidents of sexual assault in the Bible is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah found in Genesis 18—19. The men of these cities were so wicked that they attempted to rape the two angels who, in human form, were visiting Lot. The men of Sodom were ready to beat Lot’s door down in order to assault his guests. Lot and his family only escaped because the angels blinded the mob and whisked Lot’s family to safety. Because of the sexual perversion of Sodom and the surrounding cities, God utterly destroyed them. Sexual assault and all forms of sexual perversion are indicators of the wickedness of the human heart (see Jeremiah 17:9).  DOTHAN — A former children’s pastor in Alabama is facing charges that he sexually abused young boys while working at a church.News media reports that 39-year-old William Wesley […]


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