Watchman: WPATH Academics Are Known to Associate With Pedophiles and Fetishists, Creating a Disturbing Pattern,They Are the Epitome of Wickedness

The documents from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) were acquired by journalist Michael Shellenberger, who shared the entire collection online. They consist of discussions from a WPATH internal messaging board and footage from an Identity Evolution Workshop. The internal exchanges indicate that the organization is run by gender extremists who regularly carry out experimental hormonal and surgical procedures on minors and vulnerable adults despite valid medical and ethical concerns. These startling discoveries emerged after WPATH members were accused in the media of associating with pedophiles and fetishists. Following a lengthy investigation in 2022, the news and opinion website Reduxx uncovered that WPATH was linked to a fetish forum that produces fictional child pornography and extreme sadomasochistic content, including graphic child sexual torture fantasies. Despite significant worries about the radical group, the National Institutes of Health, the World…

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