Update:The Beast Is Coming Alive–Congress to Hold Hearing on ‘Digital Dollar’ Options for Possible Future Stimulus Payments


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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“We are going to go from ‘Dirty Cash to Digital Trash,’ which is also the title of the current Trends Journal. They’ve got people freaked out. They are going to give us digital trash. That’s what they are doing. They are going to get rid of the currencies that you have.” THE MARK OF THE BEAST…

The Thieves at Gofundme Are Thriving, Just Like Some Major Financial Institutions, Thievery Is a Way of Life, It’s How You Can Steal Other People’s Money Honestly That Counts in Today’s Ungodly Society

House Stimulus Bill Creates “Digital Dollar” To Send Virus-Aid To The ‘Unbanked’, Coronavirus represents the “perfect storm” for unveiling the antichrist.

Update (3/24/2020)Coindesk’s Nikhilish De reports that mentions of a “digital dollar” in a coronavirus-related relief bill before the U.S. House of Representatives have been scrubbed.

House Democrats’ latest version of the “Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act,” revealed late Monday, does not contain any language around a “digital dollar” in its section on direct stimulus payments.

As CoinTelegraph’s Kollen Post detailed earlier, amid contentious debate over the massive stimulus package in response to the coronavirus pandemic, Democrats in the United States House of Representatives look to implement the digital dollar to streamline payments to U.S. citizens outside of the traditional financial system.

The House Financial Services Committee will be holding a hearing to discuss the use of digital tools to improve the delivery of stimulus payments. The Task Force on Financial Technology, created along with the Task Force on Artificial Intelligence last year by Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), has responsibilities examining revisions to FinTech regulation including the legal and regulatory structure of consumer protections, data privacy issues, and consumer engagement.

Interesting Facts You Need to Know About Digital Currency

Congressman Stephen Lynch (D-MA), who serves as Chair of the FinTech Task Force, will oversee a hearing this Thursday at 12pm ET titled, “Inclusive Banking During a Pandemic: Using FedAccounts and Digital Tools to Improve Delivery of Stimulus Payments.”

The notice of the hearing is listed on the House Financial Services website and the scheduled lineup of witnesses includes Mehrsa Baradaran, Professor of Law, University of California, Irvine School of Law; The Honorable Chris Giancarlo, Senior Counsel, Willkie Farr & Gallagher, and former Chairman, CFTC; Jodie Kelley, CEO, Electronic Transactions Association; and, Morgan Ricks, Professor of Law, Vanderbilt University Law School. Most Popular In Crypto & Blockchain

Stimulus check, economic impact payment from Treasury department. 100 dollar bills
Stimulus check, economic impact payment from Treasury department. 100 dollar bills and n95 … [+] GETTY

FedAccounts is a term that originated from a bill introduced by Chairwoman Waters titled the ‘Financial Protections and Assistance for America’s Consumers, States, Businesses, and Vulnerable Populations Act.’ H.R. 6321 calls for a digital dollar wallet, which the bill describes as, ‘an account maintained by a Federal reserve bank on behalf of any person, that represents holdings in an electronic device or service that is used to store digital dollars that may be tied to digital or physical identity.’

The terms of a digital dollar wallet include that it ‘be prominently branded in all account statements, marketing materials, and other communications of the Federal reserve bank as a ‘FedAccount’ maintained by the member bank on behalf of the United States of America…’

Initially, this concept of a digital dollar was part of the CARES Act in a draft of the third stimulus package; however, the digital dollar did not make it into the final CARES Act. MORE FROM FORBESCoronavirus Stimulus Offered By House Financial Services Committee Creates New Digital DollarBy Jason Brett

Since the introduction of H.R. 6321, there have been two additional bills – the Automatic Boost to Communities Act (ABC Act) by Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and the Banking For All Act by Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH). Both bills discussed the idea of FedAccounts, with a focus on digital dollars more as a delivery mechanism for a benefit rather than an attempt to create a U.S. central bank digital currency.

One of the witnesses will be J. Christopher Giancarlo, Senior Counsel at Willkie Farr and Gallagher and former Chairman of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Giancarlo leads the Digital Dollar Project, which recently released a white paper explaining a ‘Champion Model’ for what should be essential technical designs for a digital dollar.

The hearing will definitely be interesting as both the Chair and Ranking Member have a strong understanding of blockchain technology as well as digital currencies. Recently Chairman Lynch introduced a bill where blockchain technology would be used to help ensure the Strategic National Stockpile and all 50 states would maintain enough PPE and emergency medical supplies. Ranking Member Emmer signed a letter along with other members of Congress urging Treasury Secretary Mnuchin to consider using blockchain technology to help speed the distribution of COVID-19 stimulus checks.

Jeremiah was a prophet to Judah, and his ministry began in 627 B.C. (Jer 1:1-2) and lasted approximately forty years until Judah and Jerusalem were destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. (2 Ki 25:1-21). Jeremiah’s ministry spanned the reign of five kings, namely: Josiah (640-609 B.C.), Jehoahaz (609), Jehoiakim (609-597), Jehoiachin (597) and Zedekiah (597-587).[2] Josiah was a good king who “did much to clear the land of idolatry, sacred prostitution, child sacrifice, and pagan altars not only in Judah but also in some formerly Israelite territory. He also reinstituted the Passover.”[3] However, after Josiah’s death in 609 B.C., the next four kings resorted back to pagan practices and the majority of Israelites followed. These were difficult times.

     Throughout his life, Jeremiah walked with God and this heightened his spiritual sensitivities, making him deeply aware of the spiritual and moral decline of his nation (this is true of believers today). Most of Jeremiah’s contemporaries had shut God out of their lives—through many kept a veneer of religion (Jer 12:2)—and were desensitized to their own impiety and the sinfulness of others. Jeremiah faced constant opposition from Judah’s rulers, false prophets and corrupt priests (Jer 2:8, 26; 5:31; 6:13; 8:10; 14:18; 20:1-2; 23:11, 16; 26:7-8). The nation was spiritually corrupt, through and through, from the leadership down to the citizen (Jer 9:1-6), and idolatry was rampant (Jer 8:19; 10:8, 14; 16:18). Because of his suffering, Jeremiah has been called the weeping prophet (Jer 9:1; 13:17). In all this, God was in total control, and He would raise up the Babylonians to destroy the Judahites because of their sinful rebellion against Him (Jer 5:15-17; 21:1-10).

The Mark Is Coming, Don’t Blink, Your Elected Officials Will Take Care of the Details

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven and Half Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has to Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire Forbes

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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