The “Dark Winter” Narrative and How an Experimental


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Vaccine Marketed Like a Tech Product by Big Pharma and Their Cronies Are Part of a Globalist Scheme to Reset the World and Force Us Into Subservience…

In Part One of this article I laid out the case the “dark winter”  narrative and how an experimental vaccine marketed like a tech product by Big Pharma and their cronies are part of a globalist scheme to reset the world and force us into subservience.

Now we get to Biden’s campaign slogan, which began to be adopted in August 2020, and was beaten like a dead horse just before and after the rigged election. “Build back better” must have played well among the useless eater, mouth breather demographic, when tested by Biden’s handlers. Biden would pop his head out of the basement periodically to stumble through a teleprompter speech where he was instructed to utter “build back better” three or four times.

Sustainable Development Goals: How can they be a handrail for recovery?

Then the contemptibly compliant corporate media expounded on the narrative as a brilliant plan by the wise statesman Joe Biden to save America from the murderous machinations of the evil orange man. Again, Google Trends reveals the coordinated effort to use this phrase in their efforts to steal the presidential election. If you think this was just a brilliant strategy by Biden’s handlers, you haven’t been paying attention. This is the globalist slogan to change the world.

“Build back better” has been a globalist slogan for over a decade. The definition per our friends at the UN is “a holistic concept using post-disaster reconstruction and recovery as an opportunity to improve a community’s physical, social, environmental and economic conditions to create a more resilient community in an effective and efficient way.”

Now you get the gist of why this slogan is being flogged to death by not only Biden, but his globalist colleagues around the globe. They need a disaster to build a new world in the image they desire – green, global control, de-population, MMT, and ruled by oligarchs like Gates, Soros, Bloomberg, Schwab and the rest of the Davos crowd. They see the deaths of a few million people as an opportunity to lockdown and control the planet.

Klaus Schwab promoting "The Great Reset." in 2020 | Klaus schwab, Chief architect, Sovereign

You begin to understand the basis for this catch phrase when you research its origins. It first surfaced in a 2009 UN press release, marking “International Mother Earth Day”, a made up globalist holiday. The UN used the fake climate crisis to urge governments to “build back better” by creating a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive societies after the financial crisis. Never let a good crisis go to waste. Bill Clinton and UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-Moon used the phrase in 2009 regarding Haiti. How did that work out for Haitians?

BBB also refers to the official Sendai Framework of disaster recovery that was adopted in the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan in 2015. The World Bank also uses the phrase in its Unbreakable report, which details the devastation disasters have on poor communities. It highlights the need to “build back better” after meeting essential needs in poor communities. This phrase reeks of a globalist agenda.


The European Commission used the phrase in May of this year when announcing their 750 billion Euro stimulus fund to “build back better” through “channels that contribute to a greener more sustainable and resilient society.” Meaning no fossil fuels, massive tax increases, and obeying those who know what’s best for you – I’m surprised they haven’t rolled out a new sitcom called Soros Knows Best. Of course, our favorite vacuous black face male model PM, Justin Trudeau, virtue signaled his allegiance to the globalist green agenda in August, saying: “We need to reset the approach of this government for a recovery to build back better.”

Another Soros protégé, totalitarian extraordinaire, Jacinda Ardern, NZ PM, has fervently used the assigned phrase when bloviating about her green recovery plans. Next on the agenda are climate lockdowns. Lastly, we have globalist fool/tool Boris Johnson, when he isn’t busy cancelling Christmas based on junk “science”, doing as he is told and uttering his “build back better” lines, as the UK descends into an Orwellian dystopian nightmare.

These billionaire funded ego-maniacal authoritarians must have a disaster in order to “build back better” from. Essentially this globalist plot to change the world is exploiting this over-hyped coronavirus pandemic to initiate Schwab’s Great Reset, where the serfs will own nothing and be happy, while the oligarch lords and their apparatchiks live lives of luxury and plenty, inflicting mandates and regulations upon their subjects. The coronavirus crisis will be replaced with the climate crisis as the creation of perpetual disaster allows the globalists to implement their master new world order plan.

Protests over responses to the COVID-19 pandemic - Wikipedia

Everything happening in the world is inter-connected and part of a sinister plot to control the world. The disaster is not the coronavirus, but the purposeful destruction of the global economic system by these evil men and women. The lockdowns, mandatory masking, debt creation, and destruction of small businesses is necessary for these corporate fascist globalists to destroy our existing way of life, to reset the world in their warped dystopian vision.

Google Trends once again exposes their master plan as Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset scheme coincided with Biden’s “dark winter” and “build back better” narrative to psychologically condition the masses for their plan to transform a world of independent nations acting in their best interests, with citizens free to live their lives in a way of their choosing, operating within community standards and agreed upon rules, and able to climb as high as their talents and ambitions take them, to a world ruled by oligarchs, where the people are treated like cattle, freedoms restricted, free thought censored, and all communications electronically surveilled. With the threat of imprisonment and capital punishment for those who do not bend the knee.

Schwab published his book COVID-19: The Great Reset in July 2020 in conjunction with the massive increase in purposely flawed PCR testing, guaranteed to generate enough false positives to scare the world into Great Reset submission. They are no longer operating in the shadows but feel emboldened by this fake pandemic “disaster” to lay out their utopian plans to control our lives, because their hubris knows no bounds. Schwab’s rationale for resetting the world, as laid out in his book is as follows:

  • Covid-19 has plunged the world into the most challenging times in generations
  • The world has changed forever creating economic, social, and environmental disruptions.
  • Millions of companies’ risk falling behind and few will thrive.
  • Life as we know it is unraveling, offering the opportunity for transformation and reimagination.
  • The sudden and violent nature of the shock is overwhelming, as unemployment can cause social unrest and mass migration.
  • The world is systematically connected and must act as one and evolve to address extreme consequences of disasters like Covid-19.
  • The dramatic rise in unemployment, global social unrest caused by BLM, and growing tension between China and the U.S. were exacerbated by the pandemic. We are at a critical juncture where the potential for change is unlimited and only bound by our imagination.
  • Societies need to be more equitable, exhibiting solidarity, looking to the needs of the many, with economies more inclusive, and dismantling the status quo.
  • The success of the Great Reset requires immense change, creating a new social contract, international collaboration, and investment in the environment.
  • Building back better needs to be adopted by leaders around the world and stimulus packages must include climate initiatives to achieve the goals of Agenda 2030.

Klaus and his billionaire buddies have big plans, and this faux pandemic crisis was the perfect “opportunity” to achieve their globalist corporate Marxist dreams. Wealthy powerful oligarchs believe forcing their warped totalitarian ideas upon the world by any means necessary. The ends always justify the means, no matter how deceitful and evil the means, for these arrogant sociopaths. Schwab and his ilk are skilled at using what appears to be sensible language when they are attempting to subvert our Constitutional rights, while imposing draconian tyrannical measures without the consent of the governed.

Schwab feigns concern for the millions of small businesses that have been purposefully destroyed by the lockdown mandates he and his allies support wholeheartedly, while being in the pocket of Bezos, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the rest of the mega-corporations who have reaped obscene profits from this plandemic. The plan has been to destroy small business, so the connected corporations could harvest their customers.

Schwab is almost giddy at the prospects of an unraveling world where he and his accomplices, who believe they can control an infinitely complex world because they are the smartest guys in the room, can implement centralized control using their Marxist neo-feudal dogmas. Marxism is based upon the abolition of private property, so their “you will own nothing, and be happy” slogan tells you all you need to know.

The World Economic Forum in Davos and the great reset 2021 |

They are using the surge in unemployment and the social unrest caused by the black lives matter narrative as the imperative for a coordinated global transformation of the world as they want it to be. We are supposed to trust the people who created the mass unemployment through senseless lockdowns and encouraged the BLM and ANTIFA terrorists to loot, burn and destroy small businesses in cities across America. Their green agenda spokes-morons, AOC and Greta, are perfect representatives for the idiocy of their movement.

They are purposely tearing our society apart with their mandatory masking and demanding humans fear other humans as disease carrying parasites, as a fearful, depressed, and unemployed populace is easily manipulated and bribable with their own tax money, distributed to them by the government that has ruined their lives. Chaos, bankruptcy, and dehumanization are an essential ingredient in a successful Great Reset. These are the results purposely initiated by Democrat governors and mayors to achieve their goals.

White nationalist group posing as antifa called for violence on Twitter

Murder increases in 2020:

  • ATL, 58%
  • CHI, 56%
  • DAL, 24%
  • LA, 31%
  • NYC, 39%
  • MIN, 74%
  • Philly, 39%
  • SF, 32%

Their techno-fascist style of green Marxism is being funded by the Wall Street owned Federal Reserve and their central banker collaborators in Europe and Asia, promoted by their corporate media partners; bankrolled by Soros, Gates, Bloomberg and other left wing oligarchs; codified into the political realm by captured corrupt politicians; supported by mega-corporations who have vacuumed up the profits of the 40% of small businesses that have been forced out of business by these traitorous degenerates; and enabled by the Silicon Valley billionaire social media oppressive censorship police.

Their goal is to have governments surrender their sovereignty to a small cadre of elites who want to subjugate the world under their sole technocratic domination. They initiated their “new normal” narrative in May 2020 to condition the masses into believing things could never go back to the way they were. Which qualifies as the Big Lie of our time.

Social Media and Brand Relationships: The Big Lie by @DoctorJones Spin Sucks

In Part Three of this article J.R.R. Tolkien will provide guidance for those of us choosing to fight the Great Reset agenda of the globalist oligarchs.


For Christians Tribulations Will Be Tough, Satan Soldiers Will Be Anxious to Persecute

This is how tribulations will play out short-term, Trump stays in office for more years, that puts Americans and the world into tribulations for a total of five years, the last two years of tribulation will literally be hell on earth…

Christians Arrested While Singing Hymns in Idaho One of the Most Ungodly States in the Republic…

At least five Christians were arrested during a hymn sing in the parking lot of city hall in Moscow, Idaho. One of the individuals cited is Latah County Commission candidate Gabriel Rench. The five individuals were cited for being in violation of Moscow’s mask/social distancing order, Moscow Police Chief James Fry told the Daily News.

Christians Arrested While Singing Hymns

A “psalm sing” attended by more than 150 people Wednesday in the Moscow City Hall parking lot led to three arrests, including that of Latah County commission candidate Gabriel Rench.

Rench, a Moscow Republican running against incumbent Moscow Democrat Tom Lamar in November’s election, was one of five people cited by Moscow police for suspicion of being in violation of Moscow’s mask/social distancing order, according to Moscow Police Chief James Fry.

Of the five cited, two also were arrested for suspicion of resisting or obstructing an officer. The fifth, Rench, was arrested but not charged with allegedly refusing to identify himself to police, according to Fry.

This is intended as a direct assault on Christianity and other people of faith.  That expanded definition of public accommodation will almost certainly include Christian places of worship and Christian institutions.  That’s the desired target.

Fry said the officer who arrested Rench knew who he was but that Rench refused to provide his identification after the officer requested it.

Fry said none of the five cited were wearing masks or social distancing.

The five mask order citations were the first given by Moscow police, Fry said. The mask order took effect in early July and states face coverings must be worn in indoor and outdoor public settings where 6-foot social distancing cannot be maintained with non-household members. More

This is proof (not that we need any more). The state has a higher regard for BLM than for GOD himself. It really hurts. We are paying taxes to destroy ourselves.

My heart is breaking. I never thought I’d live to see the day when Christians would be arrested for practicing their faith in the US while thugs and terrorists burn, loot and destroy our cities. These cops should be ashamed.NancyJMCR@NancyJaySea

it’s biblical–i think we didn’t expect it would start here

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

I’m Now a Resister Who Will Not Cooperate With Evil from This Point Forward. ~ Stevieray Hansen

Source: HNewsWire theburningplatform HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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