Update: The New World Order Plan Is Almost Complete Crush the Economy and Humanity Is Crush, the “Second Wave Wannabe Dr. Fauci BS” COVID-19 Will Crush Oil Markets and the Global Economy, That’s the Plan


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Biden Doesn’t Care About Being Re-Elected. The Goal of Satan Soldier Is to Destroy America

HNewsWire: During the past three months, Satan Soldiers and the Biden administration have been selling approximately one million barrels per day from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The SPR has been depleted by 125 million barrels so far in 2022, and nearly 70 million barrels have already been delivered to purchasers, with several million barrels heading to China. Roughly two thirds of the barrels are on their way to the original state in which they were stored (it is still unclear how Biden getting crushed in the polls amounts to an “emergency”).

The White House found itself at a loss for how to further lower gas prices with oil prices remaining stubbornly sticky and midterm elections looming. Of course, they couldn’t actually increase domestic US production because that would mean losing the vote of progressives, socialists, and green-fanatics, so they had to find another way to lower gas prices.

Because of this, the administration of Vice President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday morning that it will sell an additional 20 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which is stored in hollowed-out salt caverns on the coasts of Louisiana and Texas. This is part of an earlier plan to tap the facility in order to bring down the price of oil, bringing the total number of barrels sold to 200 million. The deals are scheduled to take place in September and October, and they are scheduled to come to an end only a few days before the midterm elections in November. There was a lack of clarity on the proportion of the additional barrels that would be sent to China.

As the oil and refining industry continues its efforts to get oil production back online following declines during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the SPR releases have been described as a “supply lifeline” to oil and refining companies by a senior administration official, according to statements made to reporters. He was referring to the fact that the SPR releases are the only thing that has kept Biden’s approval rating from falling below zero, despite the fact that it is already at an all-time low.

As a result of traders anticipating what is about to be the largest telegraphed oil purchase order in history, the United States may very well end up paying hundreds of dollars per barrel when it comes time to replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), which of course will have to buy a massive 200 million barrels after the Democrats are crushed in the midterm elections. The official also said that replenishment of the SPR will take place after fiscal 2023, which will end in September 2022. This means that the US may very

When the SPR is at its present level, which is the lowest it has been since 1984, one can only hope that China will not attack Taiwan at this time.

It is remarkable that the “energy experts” in the White House produced some back-of-the-envelope voodoo, according to which the depletion of 125 million barrels of SPR has resulted in a decrease in gas prices of forty cents. Well, you can probably anticipate what takes place when it’s time to replace it.

The price of oil fell from its session highs to its session lows as a result of the news on the increased SPR release…

… while simultaneously widening the gap between WTI and Brent to its greatest extent since April of 2020, which was $9.

Just in time for the midterm elections, Vice President Joe Biden plans to sell an additional 20 million barrels of oil from the strategic reserve. He doesn’t care about being re-elected. The goal of Satan’s soldiers is to destroy America.

This perfect storm of misinformed policies could bring unprecedented excess deaths as winter sets in

COP-26, the twenty-sixth massive climate control “conference of parties,” goes live in Glasgow, Scotland on Halloween. That’s certainly appropriate, since its primary purpose is to further terrify humanity to “take action” to prevent the “existential threat” of “manmade climate cataclysms.”

Thousands of politicians and climate activists will take private jets and limos to the lecture and hector halls – to demand that “commoners” be restricted to one Basic Economy flight every three years, meatless diets, public transportation, and keeping 640-square-foot homes at 65 F all winter and 85 F all summer.

Otherwise, they say, countless people will die as our planet “overheats” by up to 4.1 degrees C (7.2 F) by 2100. Real-world science and data provide no support for temperature spikes of this magnitude. But just in time for COP-26, Columbia University concocted a “new study” and “new metric” on the “mortality cost of carbon,” based on these scary computer-modeled temperature forecasts.

Bloomberg News gave the death-by-global-warming fable prominent coverage. 83 million people (equivalent to the entire population of Germany) “could be killed” this century by rising planetary temperatures caused by fossil fuel use, it asserted. Nonsense.

Modern housing and energy systems enable people to adapt to and survive even the most extreme heat and cold – even in Antarctica, which just experienced the coldest average winter temperatures ever recorded: -61 C (-78 F).

Survival becomes far less likely, however, if climate treaties and energy policies prohibit efficient air conditioning and heating, ration them, subject them to recurrent blackouts, or make them harder to afford amid rising oil, natural gas, coal and electricity prices.

Yet that is exactly what’s being advocated and implemented. Britain and various US cities and states want to ban natural gas heating and cooking – and replace them with expensive heat pumps and other electric appliances, powered by expensive, weather-dependent wind turbines and solar panels. Meanwhile, energy prices have been skyrocketing in response to Covid recovery and anti-fossil-fuel policies.

Climate theory has long held that most 21st-century warming will occur in northern latitudes during winter months. But now we’re now told a warming Arctic could also be causing colder winters, which could endanger far more people than rising temperatures or more frequent heat waves.

Actually, far more people die in cold weather than in hot weather or heat waves. In the United States and Canada, cold causes 45 times more deaths per year than heat: 113,000 from cold versus 2,500 from heat. Worldwide, where air conditioning is far less available, some 1,700,000 people die annually from cold versus 300,000 from heat – a ratio of almost 6:1.

Energy policies that favor wind and solar over fossil fuels beget “fuel poverty” that can make adequate heating impossible, causing numerous health problems and deaths. Poor, minority, elderly and fixed-income families are most severely and inequitably affected, it found. 

Cold homes bring increased risks of respiratory and circulatory problems (including asthma, bronchitis, flu, cardiovascular disease and stroke) and exacerbate existing adverse health conditions. Cold household temperatures also increase depression, anxiety and other mental health problems. Already vulnerable groups – young children, older people and those with preexisting health issues – are especially susceptible to hypothermia, more illness and death.

Public Health England calculated that one-tenth of all “excess winter deaths” in England and Wales are directly attributable to fuel poverty, and 21.5% of excess winter deaths are attributable to the coldest 25% of homes. 30,000 to 40,000 people died each year in England and Wales since 1990 who would not have perished if their homes hadn’t been so cold, researchers estimated.

Adjusted for population, this is equivalent to 165,000 to 220,000 excess American winter deaths per year.

In 2017, Germany endured 172,000 localized blackouts; in 2019, 350,000 German families had their electricity cut off because they couldn’t pay their power bills.

Coal, oil, natural gas, electricity and home heating costs have risen significantly since those studies were prepared, likely increasing the excess winter death toll markedly. In fact, 2021 European gas prices skyrocketed nearly 600% over 2020 prices, and Rotterdam coal futures soared from $60/ton in October 2020 to $265/ton in September 2021. Energy prices are still rising, affecting jobs and living costs

Global demand for gas and coal has surged as the world recovers from Covid. British gas production has plunged by 60 % since 2000; Britain and Europe have banned frackingPutin is playing politics over how much gas it will deliver to Europe; and President Biden has stymied leasing, drilling, fracking, pipelines, and oil and gas exports. Many coal and nuclear power plants have been shut down. Meanwhile, Europe’s heavily subsidized wind turbines generated far less electricity in 2021 due to unfavorable winds.

This perfect storm of misinformed policies could bring unprecedented excess deaths as winter sets in.

Schools, hospitals and clinics could also be much chillier – and deadlier. At 11¢ per kilowatt-hour (average US business rate), a 650,000-square-foot hospital would pay about $2.2 million annually for electricity. At 25¢ per kWh (UK), the annual cost jumps to $5 million; at 35¢ per kWh (Germany), to $7 million! Those soaring costs would likely result in employee layoffs, higher medical bills, reduced patient care, colder conditions, and more deaths. 

Adding to these woes, Citigroup says EU natural gas prices could hit $100 per mcf (per thousand cubic feet or million Btu) if this winter is particularly cold and more Gulf of Mexico hurricanes disrupt production. News outlets report that energy companies supplying six million UK homes face collapse, and several elder care homes have warned that crippling energy bills could force closures, leaving many old and infirm people homeless.

Britain’s energy minister has said a “very difficult winter” lies ahead, as gas prices soar amid fear of blackouts and food shortages. Many households “will not be able to cope.”

US energy prices remain well below Europe’s, but threats to American families are also rising. The average monthly Henry Hub spot price for natural gas has shot from $1.63 in June 2020 to $5.16 in September 2021. That’s well below the highest-ever price ($13.42 in October 2005) but still ominous.

One-third of American households already had difficulty six years ago adequately heating and cooling their homes – and one-fifth of households had to reduce or forego food, medicine and other necessities to pay energy bills. Even before Covid, low-income, Black, Hispanic and Native American families were spending a greater portion of their incomes on energy than average US households.

Nearly half of US households that heat with natural gas will spend 22-50% more  this winter than last year, depending on how cold it gets. Families that use electricity, propane or fuel oil to heat their homes will also pay significantly more. Energy-intensive factories may have to cut back hours and production, lay people off, and move operations overseas (where they will continue to burn fossil fuels and emit greenhouse gases).

Americans are also being impacted by gasoline prices that have risen more than a dollar a gallon for regular since the 2020 election and recently reached $5.00 per gallon in New York and $7.60 in one southern California town.

The overall effect of these anti-fossil-fuel policies on livelihoods, living standards, health and life spans will be profoundly negative. Countless people will perish, many of them cold and jobless in the dark.

Under Joe Biden, the United States is already on a trajectory to Europe’s real climate crisis: unaffordable, unreliable energy.

That crisis better wake America up. Otherwise, self-righteous activists and governing classes will destroy our American middle class jobs, families – and lives. Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire

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The oil price rally may have come to an end, with the long-feared “second wave” of corona-virus infections having now arrived, posing renewed threats to the global economy. 

Remember, the first people Hitler put in concentration camps weren’t the Jews. The first people were the intellectuals, because if you take the intellectuals and the doctors off the street, if you stop people from talking, you can control the people.

A new outbreak of infections in Beijing over the weekend prompted a “war-time” response from the Chinese government, a top city official said. Schools, sports venues, malls and supermarkets saw another round of closures and checkpoints. Recommended VideosNo Other Option Than to Invest in Equities, Commerzbank’s Dixon SaysPauseUnmuteDuration 1:34Toggle Close Captions/Current Time 1:15Loaded: 100.00% FullscreenUp Next

Across the U.S., infections are rising in many states, even as Americans display weariness and reluctance to continue with mask-wearing and social distancing guidelines. However, unlike in March and April where the epicenter of the pandemic was New York, the new explosions of cases are more concentrated in the south. On Saturday, the U.S. reported almost 26,000 new cases, the highest total in nearly a month.

“The second wave has begun,” William Schaffner of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, said on CNBC. The pandemic never really went away, so it is not as if there is a discrete first and second wave. But the resurgence in infections in recent days caused a selloff in financial markets.

Oil prices retreated further on Monday, with prices down more than 10 percent in less than a week.

“Concerns that we may be seeing the beginning of a second wave of the pandemic are dominating trading floors this morning across the globe, from Beijing to Florida,” Head of Oil Markets at Rystad Energy, Bjornar Tonhaugen, said in a statement.

“Markets move in waves of fear and greed, and after greed has enjoyed a long joy ride, fear has started sprouting again.”

The IMF is expected to cut its global economic forecast when it releases new figures on June 24. The Fund said in April that global GDP may contract by 3 percent this year. “This pandemic has been and continues to be, like dominoes falling,” IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva said on Saturday, pointing to the ongoing spread of the virus around the world. “And we all know that it is not over until it is over everywhere.” China’s industrial output in May rose by 4.4 percent from a year earlier, a smaller-than-expected gain that fueled more concern about economic rebound.

The Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan said that the health of the economy hinges not just on federal stimulus and reopening businesses, but also on public health measures, including widespread mask-wearing and other containment measures.

“The extent we do that well will determine how quickly we recover. We’ll grow faster if we do those things well,” Kaplan said on CBS. “And right now, it’s relatively uneven.” 

Meanwhile, the piling up of oil sitting in storage from the last few months boggles the mind. China alone is set to add 440 million barrels to storage in the first six months of the year, according to IHS Markit, the largest increase by any country ever recorded. That buildup in China actually provided a boost to oil prices, offering a source of demand during the depths of the downturn. But it’s not clear that the rate of storage injection can continue. 

Adding to the oil market’s woes is the fact that prices may have rallied too far to begin with, even before recent data shows an uptick in Covid-19 infections.

“The scale of the sell-off can be explained by the excessive optimism before,” Commerzbank wrote in a note on Monday, pointing to the speculative bets on rising oil prices.

“Net long positions held by money manager in WTI on the NYMEX rose further in the week to 9 June and at nearly 400,000 contracts found themselves at their highest level since July 2018.” 

The bank added that oil markets have been “deaf in one ear,” focusing only on positive news such as U.S. shale production declines and OPEC+ output cuts while ignoring red flags. The coronavirus never went away and is now spreading to new areas. Brazil recently moved into second place in terms of the number of total deaths from the virus.  

“[T]he outlook for the oil market is likely to become gloomier again due to the weaker economic data and concerns about a second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic,” Commerzbank added. “Demand outside China remains weak, which is why we expect prices to decline further in the short term.”

This is the reality now, for both the United States and the world.

Everything changes now. While some things will go back to normal, others will never be the same.

The reality of the coronavirus plandemic threatens to bankrupt entire industries. Hotels, airlines, cruise lines, restaurants, gaming, entertainment, real estate, tourism — all of these and more now stand on the brink. The total tally, interwoven throughout a $21 trillion economy, is too complex to be calculated.

I have picked ten signs that tell us the tribulation is rapidly approaching.

Revelation 6:8 tells us under the fourth seal, the rider on the pale horse is “given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence . . . .” Deadly famines will occur during the tribulation; they will be a factor in wiping out one-fourth of the world’s population during the seal judgments described in Revelation 6. According to a story published by National Geographic. website on May 12, 2020, swarms of gigantic locusts is swarming parts of East Africa bringing with them great famine. The National Geographic story also stated, “Some 13 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, and Eritrea already suffer from ‘severe food insecurity’ . . . meaning they may go without eating for an entire day or have run out of food altogether.” The National Geographic story also noted that swarms of locusts can destroy up to “300 million pounds of crops” in a day. Can you imagine the disaster this can bring to already impoverished nations? India also reports the presence of large swarms of locusts.

Revelation 6:6 reveals that a time of great inflation lies ahead for the world during the tribulation such that a “quart of wheat” will sell for a day’s wages.
Do we see the potential for this in our world? Absolutely! Venezuela stands as an example of devastating inflation caused by government debt and the printing of money. The enormous debt in the United States alone along with its printing of money during the past decade has already pushed the economy to the edge of disaster.  That, along with exceedingly high unemployment of over forty million, has moved America ever so close to a complete collapse.
Any more shocks will push it over the edge to great economic catastrophe and mind-boggling inflation and bring the same to the world.

Revelation 9:21 tells us this about people during the tribulation, “nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.” Just as in the days of Noah, violence will fill the earth during the tribulation. The antichrist will cause the killing of a large number of saints during this time. Revelation 7:9-14 pictures a large multitude of martyrs that have come out of the “great tribulation.” These are no doubt the same ones John refers to in 6:9 who were killed “for the word of God and witness they have borne.” We already see this violence against Christians in our world and the seeds of it in the United States.
Can there be any doubt regarding the deadly intentions of the left in America who advocate abortion up to and after birth, who put patients sick with COVID-19 in nursing homes killing thousands of the elderly, and who send police to stop worship services? Someday the rage and hatred of the left in the US will erupt into violent and deadly persecution against those who hold fast to the Word of God, if not before the rapture then surely after it.

We also know that the second half of the tribulation will be a time of deadly violence against the Jewish people (Matt. 24:15-20). We see the seeds of much anti-Semitism at work in our world. New York City, home to 1.8 million Jews, saw a record number of anti-Semitic attacks in 2019. France and Germany are rapidly becoming unsafe places for the Jewish people to lie. We also see rampant anti-Semitism at the United Nations. During the first couple of months of the 2019-2020 session of the UN, it adopted 18 anti-Israel resolutions compared with just 7 concerning other nations. 

Scripture tells us that a world government will dominate the entire earth during the tribulation over which the antichrist will seize control (Dan. 7:24-26; Rev. 13:1-10). Today, we see this coming one-world government forming before our eyes. The UN now has a web page titled “Let’s Make Our Planet Back” at https://unnwo.org/. An easy way to remember the link is to think “United Nations New World Order.” This website represents a more blatant revelation of the UN’s desire to create a New World Order although it has always been quite visible under its stated Agenda 2030 goals of establishing a Marxist world order by 2030. The website puts a positive spin on the seventeen goals of Agenda 2030, which in reality reflect a Marxist/Fascist world government in total control of the lives of people in every nation. The goals of the New Green Deal in America mesh perfectly with those of Agenda 2030; I believe its goal is to bring the United States into the New World Order.

Since the onset of COVID-19, the willingness of people in the United States to surrender their rights and freedoms has astounded me. Many blindly follow unconstitutional restrictions without protest or any resistance whatsoever. This has been a successful test run for the globalists. The elite has learned that with a world crisis and control of the media, many people will unwittingly submit to whatever the government tells them with little or no resistance as long as it’s for the “common good.” When the tribulation arrives on planet earth, great fear and panic will also lead to a surrendering of rights and freedoms that will enable the globalists to finalize their plans for a New World Order.

I do not believe that Bill Gates is the antichrist nor do I think that his vaccine and its accompanying tattoo is the mark of the beast that we find described in Revelation 13:16-18. However, I do believe these things are also preparing the world for the control that the antichrist will exert over the world during the tribulation. The idea that the government can require a vaccine along with proof of it to leave one’s home and participate in society would have been thought tyrannical just a decade ago. But now, after the fear generated in the media over COVID-19, multitudes now accept such an idea and see no problem with it.
In addition to this, we now have the technology for the antichrist to implement such a program worldwide. Revelation 13:16-18 is not here yet, but it’s springing to life before our eyes.

While the world remains distracted by COVID-19, tensions keep escalating in the Middle East. Israel has inflicted heavy damage on Iranian military installations in Syria in recent weeks. And, Iran continues to promise the world that it will soon wipe Israel off the map. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s pledge to annex portions of the West Bank on July 1 is also increasing tensions in the region. The Palestinians and their allies say they will never accept the adding of land in Judea and Samaria to Israel and will most likely react violently to such an annexation. The Gog-Magog War described in Ezekiel 38-39 seems closer than ever. The nations remain aligned precisely as we read in 38:1-13. It’s also interesting that Israeli Rabbis believe the war of Ezekiel 38-39 could begin at any moment.

In both 1 and 2 Timothy, Paul warns of great apostasy in the church during the last days. This day has arrived. The widespread acceptance by so many churches of what the Bible labels as sin are just the tip of the iceberg. Just as the apostle predicted in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, people today flock to false teachers in great numbers. In some cases, these so-called pastors have become multi-millionaires as a result of their perversion of the Gospel. It’s far more popular for preachers today to regard vast sections of scriptural prophecy as allegory and proclaim a false, unbiblical hope to their congregations, one that denies the imminent return of Jesus.
The dangerous teaching that the church will triumph through the tribulation and bring in the millennial kingdom itself has attracted millions of Christians during the past few decades. It’s by far the fastest-growing view of the end-times in churches today and yet another indicator of the great apostasy that exists in our time.

I added this point after reading the accounts of the rioting in Minneapolis that has spread to many other cities. Is this not a prime example of the lawlessness that Jesus said would appear during the tribulation? In Matthew 24:12. Jesus said this about the signs of the end of the age, “And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.” 

Paul refers to the antichrist as the “the man of lawlessness” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Right now we see the spirit of the antichrist surging throughout the United States as the anarchists destroy property and ruin the lives of thousands of people of all races.
As I look at all these ten indicators of the rapidly approaching tribulation, I am amazed that the true church remains earthbound. How much longer can it be before Jesus returns to take us to the place He’s preparing for us?

If the tribulation seems so close, that means that rapture is even nearer.
The economies of the world may recover from the brink of disaster and the push for a New World Order may decrease. However, at the moment this seems highly unlikely given the tremendous debt of many nations and the staggeringly high unemployment. 
Forbes online magazine recently stated that as many as 42% of the jobs lost in American may be gone for good. Could the growing lawlessness and riots push the US and the world closer to economic collapse? It’s entirely possible.

The history of the twentieth century tells us that the aftermath of great economic distress, war, or both provides fertile soil for the emergence of socialist/fascist dictators. I believe the antichrist will arise from the ashes of the coming worldwide chaos to seize control of the coming New World Order.
Given the condition of our world at the moment, it will not take much to plunge the world into a great economic disaster or trigger the Gog-Magog War. The resulting chaos will provide the perfect opportunity for Satan to place his man in charge of the world order, which he will do.
The good news is that we will be with Jesus before the devil unveils “the man of lawlessness” to the world.
Take heart; Jesus is coming soon! Source

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven and Half Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has to Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

The role of a watchman: Gives insight into the world at the end of this age. They see the dark gathering clouds on the world’s horizon that spell the end of Satan’s reign as the god of this world and author of all its evil. This leads them to mount the “walls” of society and shout a warning to any who will hear. To say: “God is sovereign. He will bring a time of judgment on the world to prove that He alone is God. All other gods erected by people to hide His truth will be destroyed.”

A national affliction
Today America and Great Britain stand at a crossroads. For more than 200 years they have dominated the world in virtually every arena. As Great Britain retreated from its empire after World War II, America was there to take its place and continue the legacy set by the English through their peak years.

But America’s dominant power is under siege from many sectors. Its will to stay the course in Iraq is being tested, its military machine strained under the pressure of the extended fighting. Though it is the primary engine for the world’s economy, a weakened dollar and a trade balance deficit are both troubling indicators of a major crisis ahead.

God warns us through the message of the prophets that sins will demand a day of reckoning. People cannot continue worshipping the false gods of materialism and self, blindly stumbling along in their own righteousness, and expect their affluent standard of living to continue.

God’s Word confirms there will be an accounting; the lesson of history is that any people who corrupt their moral core will eventually fade from power. God calls on America and Great Britain to wake up, acknowledge their sins, and repent before national calamity descends on them.

“Do this and live”
Amos the prophet walked into the city of Samaria, capital of the northern kingdom of Israel, and boldly told the king and city leaders to repent or face captivity at the hands of the Assyrians. He pointed to neighboring states that had fallen and said, “You are no better than they were.”

He rebuked those who did not want to hear a “message of doom.” To those who stocked their homes with the finest luxury goods and gourmet foods, trusting that affluence was a sign of God’s blessing, he said, “Don’t trust in materialism.” The citizenry, at all levels, looked only to their comfort and ease and did not grieve “for the affliction of Joseph” (Amos 6:6).

Those who “grieve” and “sigh and cry” over societal sins are called to a unique role. They are part of God’s elect, called to the duty of proclaiming the announcement of the Kingdom of God. That message includes the good news of Jesus Christ’s return to restore all things (see Acts 3:19-21). The message also contains a warning to repent and receive God’s blessing or ignore the warning and face the judgment of God. It is a double-edged message—plain-spoken, yet full of hope.

Fulfilling this role requires courage, perseverance, and a love for the people addressed. One of the best examples of this was the prophet, Jeremiah. Jeremiah spent more than 40 years in the role of a watchman to the nation of Judah, urging people to heed his warnings and return to the ways of God.

Notice this passage: “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk-in it; then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it’ ” (Jeremiah 6:16).

God’s main message throughout the Bible is to return to His paths, His teachings, as the solution for the suffering and pain of human life. “Do this and live,” He says.

Jeremiah and others like him have stood in the role of a watchman. “Also, I set watchmen over you, saying, ‘Listen to the sound of the trumpet!’ But they said, ‘We will not listen.’ Therefore hear, you nations … Behold, I will certainly bring calamity on this people —the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not heeded My words nor My law, but rejected it” (Jeremiah 6:17-19).

Today’s watchmen
Examining the concept of watching in the New Testament helps to complete the picture of this role. The Greek word Gregorio, translated as “watch,” means to keep awake, to watch, and to take heed. Through neglect or laziness, we could let down and be overcome with sin, or a sudden calamity could overwhelm us spiritually.

Notice in Mark 13:32-37, in Jesus’ prophecy of the end time, that He urges His disciples three times to “watch” during the times leading to His second coming. The emphasis is on a personal watch through prayer to know the times.

By prayer and righteous living, we stay tuned to Jesus Christ. Through this way of life one can discern the moral climate of the times and avoid being tossed around with every shifting ideology of modern culture. Walking in God’s laws and instruction insulates us from the course of the world and its deceptions.

Revelation 16 describes a massive end-time deception perpetrated by Satan and demons that work through the human instruments called “the Beast” and “the False Prophet” (Revelation 16:13). Their influence gathers the leaders of the earth “to the battle of that great day of God Almighty . . . to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon” (Revelation 16:14-16).

In our fascination over these otherworldly figures, we can easily skip over Christ’s charge: “Behold, I am coming as a thief”—suddenly and unexpectedly. “Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walks naked and they see his shame” (Revelation 16:15, emphasis added throughout).

Jesus pronounces a blessing for those who, during mankind’s darkest moment, watch. That is, they are living prudently and properly. The natural by-product of this close relationship with God is being alert to religious deception. Those who frame their life around the coming Kingdom of God will watch and keep themselves from the wiles of the devil.

This is the end result of fulfilling the role of a watchman within the Body of Christ—to be found standing in the faith, blessed of God at the dawn of His Kingdom on this earth.

Our world is moving toward this time of the global cataclysm. Revelation 16 describes a future moment when people will be caught up in events engineered through the Beast and False Prophet. The former is a political leader of compelling personality and ability; and the other, a religious leader unlike any in modern times.Together they will convince armies to move toward Jerusalem to fight Jesus Christ at His coming.

Warning and hope
This is a time for the watchmen to mount the walls and sound a clear, unmistakable warning message of the dangers facing not just the English-speaking peoples but also the whole world. It is time to make known the hope of the coming Kingdom of God.

Isaiah’s message stands bright and clear today: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’ Your watchmen shall lift up their voices, with their voices they shall sing together; for they shall see eye to eye when the Lord brings back Zion” (Isaiah 52:7).

Come, take your place on the walls, work for the Kingdom and pray for its speedy arrival!

These special servants understand the dangers of the present world. They see the dark clouds gathering on the world’s horizon and are moved to proclaim a warning message to all who will hear.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “Update: The New World Order Plan Is Almost Complete Crush the Economy and Humanity Is Crush, the “Second Wave Wannabe Dr. Fauci BS” COVID-19 Will Crush Oil Markets and the Global Economy, That’s the Plan

  1. I believe one lesson we can learn is that being prepared diminishes fear.

    For those more seasoned “preppers,” they’re not scrambling for toilet paper. Instead, they have been preparing for an event like this pandemic for years. COVID-19 is not a surprise to them. They already have a supply of toilet paper along with their food, water, medications, first aid kits, shelter, ammo, and other necessary supplies. It’s not the preppers hoarding toilet paper and other supplies… it’s those frightened individuals not prepared and driven instead by fear.

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