Transgender extremists are exploiting ‘courtesy’ to shut down debate.


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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NO-ONE Can Wash Away God’s Design For Man or Woman…

Transgenderism’s embrace by popular culture presents Christians with difficult choices. Among those is the issue of personal pronouns: words such as hehimhis, or sheher, and hers. In some situations, those who wish to identify as the opposite of their biological sex prefer to be spoken of using pronouns that correspond to their preference, not their biology. For example, a male who self-identifies as female might ask to be referred to as “she” or “her.”

Beyond this, some persons claim to be completely different genders or combinations of genders. Such persons might ask to be referred to using pronouns such as they or them, or even “new” words like xixim, or xer.

So, does that mean a Christian can or should use “preferred pronouns,” even just to be polite? Or should believers make a point of not using such terms at all, to avoid endorsing something untrue? As with many specific issues, the Bible does not give an explicit, word-for-word answer. There is no “thou shall” or “thou shalt not” for the use of modern preferred pronouns. What believers can do is look for guiding principles in order to make the best choice in a given situation.

In short, while Christians need to be careful and respectful, respect cannot extend to endorsing ideas that the Bible calls false. Whatever choice a Christian makes with respect to preferred pronouns, it’s important that they not give the appearance of endorsing sin or self-deception. At the same time, believers ought to tread lightly on any issue that touches on sensitive emotions. You cannot worship away God’s design for man or woman…

Women’s minister is facing a backlash after saying that she is “a little cautious” about the number of teenagers undergoing gender reassignment treatment

Women’s minister is facing a backlash after saying that she is “a little cautious” about the number of teenagers undergoing gender reassignment treatment CREDIT:  JEFF GILBERT

Transgender activists have been accused of attempting to shut down debate, as a former children’s minister said that young people’s welfare is being “sacrificed on the altar of political correctness”.

The women’s minister is facing a backlash after saying that she is “a little cautious” about the number of teenagers undergoing gender reassignment treatment.

Victoria Atkins warned the country needs to be “particularly alert” to the issue, and expressed concern that a rising number of teenagers were seeking “life-changing” medical interventions.

LGBT+ campaigners accused her making “damaging” comments and warned that people’s “lives are at stake”. 

“The assertions of transgender Americans that they are locked in the wrong bodies is in no way, in my opinion, proven scientifically.”

AP Photo/Toby Talbot KEITH ABLOW, MD

I believe I was the first person in America to predict that the issues at the core of transgenderism would not only come center stage, but cause deeper discord than nearly any other issue facing the United States.

Well, now the Department of Education is warning states that public school students of any anatomic and genetic gender should be allowed to use any restroom at school that they choose — and states that resist could potentially lose federal funding. North Carolina is suing the federal government, and the federal government is suing North Carolina, over the state’s law insisting people use the restroom corresponding to their gender at birth.

 AP Photo/Toby Talbot

Why is this happening? It is happening because many Americans are now seeing clearly for the first time that the assertions of a tiny percentage of the population that they are locked in the wrong bodies could end up dictating that all female Americans must accept using bathrooms alongside people with male anatomy (and vice-versa). This includes our children.

The assertions of transgender Americans that they are locked in the wrong bodies is in no way, in my opinion, proven scientifically. No researcher has ever demonstrated convincingly—not one time—that a single transgender individual shows any irrefutable physiological evidence, whatsoever, of being the gender opposite to their DNA and anatomy.

Transgender individuals, believing themselves to be female, despite having XY chromosomes, or male, despite XX chromosomes, seem to me to be indistinguishable, from a psychiatric standpoint, from those with paranoid delusions, who believe they are being stalked by the CIA, or those with anorexia who believe they are fat (even when they are thin as a rail) or those with body dysmorphic disorder who believe that their noses are imperfect and attempt to coerce plastic surgeons into one cosmetic procedure after another.

Turning our culture upside down to favor such individuals will truly, in my opinion, carry the risk of gradually making our entire nation hostage to irrational and firmly held beliefs. And if this culture caters to those beliefs, in the absence of a convincing groundswell of evidence that we ought to, then our foundation in the truth will be gone. Our worthiness as a people will be gone, too.

Let me put this starkly: America may no longer be a country worth dying for in a war against extremists if we simultaneously, psychologically abuse millions upon millions of our children by insisting that they go to the bathroom beside adults who are physically of the opposite gender. Why would a country that does that have any moral standing, whatsoever? Why would our enemies not point to that reality and mock us for criticizing darkness in their own cultures? Really, what could be worse than the Department of Education commanding schools to let anatomic boys use the girls’ locker rooms and restrooms?

This country better get its head screwed on straight, or it is either going to be taken hostage by extremists of our own (like the transgender community, insisting on a takeover of our culture and good sense) or by extremists outside our country who can assert that we, not they, represent a scourge that could topple all truth. Source


StevieRay Hansen
“Have I therefore become your enemy by telling you the truth?”

For those people who don’t believe God exist and waste so much time trying to convince everyone else he doesn’t exist…

Justice is a word that stands alone, adding anything to it demeans it….

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

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Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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