Tyrannies Invert the Rule of Law They Turn the Law Into an Instrument of Injustice – “Our Courts Oppose the Righteous, Justice Is Nowhere to Be Found

Justice Is Nowhere to Be Found. Streets, and Honesty Has Been Outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, Nlt)…We Turned Our Backs on God, Now We Have Been Left to Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

Tyrannies invert the rule of law. They turn the law into an instrument of injustice. They cloak their crimes in a faux legality. They use the decorum of the courts and trials, to mask their criminality. Those, such as Assange, who expose that criminality to the public are dangerous, for without the pretext of legitimacy the tyranny loses credibility and has nothing left in its arsenal but fear, coercion and violence. The long campaign against Assange and WikiLeaks is a window into the collapse of the rule of law, the rise of what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls our system of inverted totalitarianism, a form of totalitarianism that maintains the fictions of the old capitalist democracy, including its institutions, iconography, patriotic symbols and rhetoric, but internally has surrendered total control to the dictates of global corporations and the security and surveillance state.

There is no legal basis to hold Assange in prison. There is no legal basis to try him, an Australian citizen, under the US Espionage Act. The CIA spied on Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy through a Spanish company, UC Global, contracted to provide embassy security. This spying included recording the privileged conversations between Assange and his lawyers as they discussed his defense. This fact alone invalidated the trial. Assange is being held in a high security prison so the state can, as Nils Melzer, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture, has testified, continue the degrading abuse and torture it hopes will lead to his psychological if not physical disintegration.The architects of imperialism, the masters of war, the corporate-controlled legislative, judicial and executive branches of government and their obsequious courtiers in the media, are guilty of egregious crimes.

Say this simple truth and you are banished, as many of us have been, to the margins of the media landscape. Prove this truth, as Assange, Chelsea Manning, Jeremy Hammond and Edward Snowden have by allowing us to peer into the inner workings of power, and you are hunted down and persecuted.

Assange’s “crime” is that he exposed the more than 15,000 unreported deaths of Iraqi civilians. He exposed the torture and abuse of some 800 men and boys, aged between 14 and 89, at Guantanamo. He exposed that Hillary Clinton in 2009 ordered US diplomats to spy on U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and other U.N. representatives from China, France, Russia, and the UK, spying that included obtaining DNA, iris scans, fingerprints, and personal passwords, part of the long pattern of illegal surveillance that included the eavesdropping on UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in the weeks before the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. He exposed that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the CIA orchestrated the June 2009 military coup in Honduras that overthrew the democratically-elected president Manuel Zelaya, replacing it with a murderous and corrupt military regime. He exposed that George W. Bush, Barack Obama and General David Petraeus prosecuted a war in Iraq that under post-Nuremberg laws is defined as a criminal war of aggression, a war crime, which authorized hundreds of targeted assassinations, including those of US citizens in Yemen. He exposed that the United States secretly launched missile, bomb, and drone attacks on Yemen, killing scores of civilians. He exposed that Goldman Sachs paid Hillary Clinton $657,000 to give talks, a sum so large it can only be considered a bribe, and that she privately assured corporate leaders she would do their bidding while promising the public financial regulation and reform. He exposed the internal campaign to discredit and destroy British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn by members of his own party. He exposed how the hacking tools used by the CIA and the National Security Agency permits the wholesale government surveillance of our televisions, computers, smartphones and anti-virus software, allowing the government to record and store our conversations, images and private text messages, even from encrypted apps.

He exposed the truth. He exposed it over and over and over until there was no question of the endemic illegality, corruption and mendacity that defines the global ruling elite. And for these truths alone he is guilty.

Assange’s “Crime” Was Publishing the Truth. He Gathered Information None of Which Was Fabricated or Fake…

  • American officials have made the compromise in the hopes of finally ending the lengthy battle to put Assange, 50, on trial for espionage charges
  • If Assange is convicted in an American court, U.S. officials have also said the Australian would be allowed to serve jail time in his home country 
  • The revelations were made in a court ruling provided by the U.K. Crown Prosecution Service obtained by the Wall Street Journal 
  • Britain’s High Court has also granted the U.S. government permission to appeal a January decision that Assange cannot be sent to the U.S. to face his charges 
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Update 7/24/21 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange will not be held in super max prison conditions if he is allowed to be extradited to the United States, American officials have assured British authorities.

American officials have made the compromise in the hopes of finally ending the lengthy battle to put Assange, 50, on trial for espionage charges in the United States, the Wall Street Journal reported.

If Assange is convicted in an American court, U.S. officials have also said the Australian would be allowed to serve jail time in his home country, the outlet reported.

The revelations were made in a court ruling provided by the U.K. Crown Prosecution Service obtained by the outlet.

American officials have made the compromise in the hopes of finally ending the lengthy battle to put Assange, 50, on trial for espionage charges


American officials have made the compromise in the hopes of finally ending the lengthy battle to put Assange, 50, on trial for espionage charges

Julian Assange's partner, Stella Moris speaks to the media outside the High Court in London on Wednesday following the announcement

Julian Assange’s partner, Stella Moris speaks to the media outside the High Court in London on Wednesday following the announcement

Assange's fiancée, Stella Moris, urged U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday to drop the prosecution launched under his predecessor, Donald Trump.


Assange’s fiancée, Stella Moris, urged U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday to drop the prosecution launched under his predecessor, Donald Trump.

Stella Moris is pictured with their child Gabriel outside the High Court in London on Wednesday


Stella Moris is pictured with their child Gabriel outside the High Court in London on Wednesday

Britain’s High Court has also granted the U.S. government permission to appeal a January decision that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange cannot be sent to the United States to face espionage charges.

The judicial office said Wednesday that the appeal had been granted and the case would be listed for a High Court hearing. No date has been set.

In January, a lower court judge refused an American request to send Assange to the U.S. to face spying charges over WikiLeaks´ publication of secret military documents a decade ago.

District Judge Vanessa Baraitser denied extradition on health grounds, saying Assange was likely to kill himself if held under harsh U.S. prison conditions.

The judge ordered that Assange must remain in prison during any potential U.S. appeal, ruling that he ‘has an incentive to abscond’ if he were freed.

During the fourth day of resumed Julian Assange extradition hearings the judge has unexpectedly halted proceedings due to one of the lawyers possibly being exposed to coronavirus.

District Judge Vanessa Baraitser said the London hearing has been adjourned until at least next Monday, pending the US government’s attorney awaiting results of a COVID-19 test.

Assange transported from the Old Bailey in London this week, Getty Images.

The judge and lawyers for both sides are said to be in deliberations over what course the hearings should take if indeed the US lawyer is confirmed with COVID-19.

The WikiLeaks founder’s defense team is especially concerned over the fragile health of their client, given he’s been held within the harsh and virus-prone confines of Belmarsh prison:

Assange’s attorney, Edward Fitzgerald, said it had to be assumed that the lawyer had the virus and “COVID will be in the courtroom.”

“Court staff themselves would be at risk, and you yourself may well be at risk,” he told the judge.

“Finally, our client Mr. Assange, who is vulnerable you are aware, would be at risk in court.” Source : ZeroHedge








Insane that Assange is behind bars for killing nobody while Bush and Blair walk free -responsible for millions of deaths including their own troops.

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StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

Remember, the first people Hitler put in concentration camps weren't the Jews. The first people were the intellectuals, because if you take the intellectuals and the doctors off the street, if you stop people from talking, you can control the people.


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