Update: The US Is Preparing to Silence…


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Independent Journalists Who Raise Legitimate Concerns Over Pharmaceutical Industry Corruption…

CIA, NSA, DOD, DOJ Etc., Will Now Turn Its State Intelligence Agencies on Independent Journalism and Remove the Truth.

We’re at the Point in This Country Where Our Government Puts Out the Memo to Inform Those That Go Against the State Narrative — “They Will Be Shut Down”, Welcome to Hell on Earth, a.k.a. The Great Tribulations, Brought to You by Satan Soldiers…

StevieRay Hansen, WatchMan

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DOJ Targets Journalist Investigating Biden Family Ukraine Scandals

As part of an investigation into former President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, the Biden Justice Department is seizing communications between the former mayor and a journalist investigating President Joe Biden’s business dealings with Ukraine.

Agents from the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office and the FBI raided the New York residence of Giuliani early Wednesday morning. The investigation stems from at least a two-year-old probe into potential crimes of federal lobbying laws. Federal investigators seized Giuliani’s electronic devices.

The warrant presented, however, according to Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello, raises questions surrounding the scope and motivation behind the investigation, where prosecutors began issuing subpoenas around the same time of Trump’s first impeachment inquiry launched by Democrats centered on conduct in Ukraine in 2019.

According to the Wall Street Journal, “Costello said the warrant sought communications between Mr. Giuliani and individuals including John Solomon, a columnist who was in communication with Mr. Giuliani about his effort to push for Ukrainian investigations of President Biden before he was elected.”

Giuliani began to probe the Biden’s family’s business ventures in the same country, where then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, served in a lucrative board role of a notoriously corrupt energy company despite no prior experience in the industry.

Solomon, an investigative journalist, did not immediately respond to The Federalist’s request for comment.

The FBI has been particularly prone to politically motivated investigations in recent years following its deep-state operation to oust Trump before the Republican executive even took office. Operation Crossfire Hurricane peeled back the curtain on a primary intelligence agency run at the behest of its former Director James Comey compromised by Democrat interests. The operation promoted the conspiracy theory Trump was a covert Russian agent for years – a narrative that ultimately took deep roots among a polarized population where one-half remains convinced of its truth.

A two-year special counsel investigation, however, exonerated Trump of the charges. Source: thefederalist

DOJ Targets Journalist Investigating Biden Family Ukraine Scandals

As part of an investigation into former President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, the Biden Justice Department is seizing communications between the former mayor and a journalist investigating President Joe Biden’s business dealings with Ukraine.

Agents from the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office and the FBI raided the New York residence of Giuliani early Wednesday morning. The investigation stems from at least a two-year-old probe into potential crimes of federal lobbying laws. Federal investigators seized Giuliani’s electronic devices.

The warrant presented, however, according to Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello, raises questions surrounding the scope and motivation behind the investigation, where prosecutors began issuing subpoenas around the same time of Trump’s first impeachment inquiry launched by Democrats centered on conduct in Ukraine in 2019.

According to the Wall Street Journal, “Costello said the warrant sought communications between Mr. Giuliani and individuals including John Solomon, a columnist who was in communication with Mr. Giuliani about his effort to push for Ukrainian investigations of President Biden before he was elected.”

Giuliani began to probe the Biden’s family’s business ventures in the same country, where then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, served in a lucrative board role of a notoriously corrupt energy company despite no prior experience in the industry.

Solomon, an investigative journalist, did not immediately respond to The Federalist’s request for comment.

The FBI has been particularly prone to politically motivated investigations in recent years following its deep-state operation to oust Trump before the Republican executive even took office. Operation Crossfire Hurricane peeled back the curtain on a primary intelligence agency run at the behest of its former Director James Comey compromised by Democrat interests. The operation promoted the conspiracy theory Trump was a covert Russian agent for years – a narrative that ultimately took deep roots among a polarized population where one-half remains convinced of its truth.

A two-year special counsel investigation, however, exonerated Trump of the charges. Source: thefederalist

DOJ Targets Journalist Investigating Biden Family Ukraine Scandals

As part of an investigation into former President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, the Biden Justice Department is seizing communications between the former mayor and a journalist investigating President Joe Biden’s business dealings with Ukraine.

Agents from the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office and the FBI raided the New York residence of Giuliani early Wednesday morning. The investigation stems from at least a two-year-old probe into potential crimes of federal lobbying laws. Federal investigators seized Giuliani’s electronic devices.

The warrant presented, however, according to Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello, raises questions surrounding the scope and motivation behind the investigation, where prosecutors began issuing subpoenas around the same time of Trump’s first impeachment inquiry launched by Democrats centered on conduct in Ukraine in 2019.

According to the Wall Street Journal, “Costello said the warrant sought communications between Mr. Giuliani and individuals including John Solomon, a columnist who was in communication with Mr. Giuliani about his effort to push for Ukrainian investigations of President Biden before he was elected.”

Giuliani began to probe the Biden’s family’s business ventures in the same country, where then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, served in a lucrative board role of a notoriously corrupt energy company despite no prior experience in the industry.

Solomon, an investigative journalist, did not immediately respond to The Federalist’s request for comment.

The FBI has been particularly prone to politically motivated investigations in recent years following its deep-state operation to oust Trump before the Republican executive even took office. Operation Crossfire Hurricane peeled back the curtain on a primary intelligence agency run at the behest of its former Director James Comey compromised by Democrat interests. The operation promoted the conspiracy theory Trump was a covert Russian agent for years – a narrative that ultimately took deep roots among a polarized population where one-half remains convinced of its truth.

A two-year special counsel investigation, however, exonerated Trump of the charges. Source: thefederalist

DOJ Targets Journalist Investigating Biden Family Ukraine Scandals

As part of an investigation into former President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, the Biden Justice Department is seizing communications between the former mayor and a journalist investigating President Joe Biden’s business dealings with Ukraine.

Agents from the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office and the FBI raided the New York residence of Giuliani early Wednesday morning. The investigation stems from at least a two-year-old probe into potential crimes of federal lobbying laws. Federal investigators seized Giuliani’s electronic devices.

The warrant presented, however, according to Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello, raises questions surrounding the scope and motivation behind the investigation, where prosecutors began issuing subpoenas around the same time of Trump’s first impeachment inquiry launched by Democrats centered on conduct in Ukraine in 2019.

According to the Wall Street Journal, “Costello said the warrant sought communications between Mr. Giuliani and individuals including John Solomon, a columnist who was in communication with Mr. Giuliani about his effort to push for Ukrainian investigations of President Biden before he was elected.”

Giuliani began to probe the Biden’s family’s business ventures in the same country, where then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, served in a lucrative board role of a notoriously corrupt energy company despite no prior experience in the industry.

Solomon, an investigative journalist, did not immediately respond to The Federalist’s request for comment.

The FBI has been particularly prone to politically motivated investigations in recent years following its deep-state operation to oust Trump before the Republican executive even took office. Operation Crossfire Hurricane peeled back the curtain on a primary intelligence agency run at the behest of its former Director James Comey compromised by Democrat interests. The operation promoted the conspiracy theory Trump was a covert Russian agent for years – a narrative that ultimately took deep roots among a polarized population where one-half remains convinced of its truth.

A two-year special counsel investigation, however, exonerated Trump of the charges. Source: thefederalist

DOJ Targets Journalist Investigating Biden Family Ukraine Scandals

As part of an investigation into former President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, the Biden Justice Department is seizing communications between the former mayor and a journalist investigating President Joe Biden’s business dealings with Ukraine.

Agents from the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office and the FBI raided the New York residence of Giuliani early Wednesday morning. The investigation stems from at least a two-year-old probe into potential crimes of federal lobbying laws. Federal investigators seized Giuliani’s electronic devices.

The warrant presented, however, according to Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello, raises questions surrounding the scope and motivation behind the investigation, where prosecutors began issuing subpoenas around the same time of Trump’s first impeachment inquiry launched by Democrats centered on conduct in Ukraine in 2019.

According to the Wall Street Journal, “Costello said the warrant sought communications between Mr. Giuliani and individuals including John Solomon, a columnist who was in communication with Mr. Giuliani about his effort to push for Ukrainian investigations of President Biden before he was elected.”

Giuliani began to probe the Biden’s family’s business ventures in the same country, where then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, served in a lucrative board role of a notoriously corrupt energy company despite no prior experience in the industry.

Solomon, an investigative journalist, did not immediately respond to The Federalist’s request for comment.

The FBI has been particularly prone to politically motivated investigations in recent years following its deep-state operation to oust Trump before the Republican executive even took office. Operation Crossfire Hurricane peeled back the curtain on a primary intelligence agency run at the behest of its former Director James Comey compromised by Democrat interests. The operation promoted the conspiracy theory Trump was a covert Russian agent for years – a narrative that ultimately took deep roots among a polarized population where one-half remains convinced of its truth.

A two-year special counsel investigation, however, exonerated Trump of the charges. Source: thefederalist

British and American state intelligence agencies are “weaponizing truth” to quash vaccine hesitancy as both nations prepare for mass inoculations, in a recently announced “cyber war” to be commanded by Al-Powered arbiters of truth against information sources that challenge official narratives.

The razor-wire fence around the Capitol in Washington D.C. is a sobering reminder of what’s happening to our freedom in Americal. Big government is separating from “We The People.”

Three times Jesus referred to Satan as “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11). Other passages of Scripture call Satan “the god of this world” (2 Cor 4:4), and “the prince of the power of the air” (Eph 2:2), informing us “that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19). Satan rules as a tyrant who has “weakened the nations” (Isa 14:12), and currently “deceives the whole world” (Rev 12:9).

The national-security of the United States and United Kingdom have discreetly let it be known that the cyber tools and online tactics previously designed for use in the post-9/11 “war on terror” are now being repurposed for use against information sources promoting “vaccine hesitancy” and information related to Covid-19 that runs counter to their state narratives.

A new cyber offensive was launched on Monday by the UK’s signal intelligence agency, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), which seeks to target websites that publish content deemed to be “propaganda” that raises concerns regarding state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccine development and the multi-national pharmaceutical corporations involved.

Similar efforts are underway in the United States, with the US military recently funding a CIA-backed firm—stuffed with former counterterrorism officials who were behind the occupation of Iraq and the rise of the so-called Islamic State—to develop an AI algorithm aimed specifically at new websites promoting “suspected” disinformation related to the Covid-19 crisis and the US military–led Covid-19 vaccination effort known as Operation Warp Speed.

Both countries are preparing to silence independent journalists who raise legitimate concerns over pharmaceutical industry corruption or the extreme secrecy surrounding state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccination efforts, now that Pfizer’s vaccine candidate is slated to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by month’s end.

Pfizer’s history of being fined billions for illegal marketing and for bribing government officials to help them cover up an illegal drug trial that killed eleven children (among other crimes) has gone unmentioned by most mass media outlets, which instead have celebrated the apparently imminent approval of the company’s Covid-19 vaccine without questioning the company’s history or that the mRNA technology used in the vaccine has sped through normal safety trial protocols and has never been approved for human use. Also unmentioned is that the head of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Patrizia Cavazzoni, is the former Pfizer vice president for product safety who covered up the connection of one of its products to birth defects.

We do not need companies to protect us from harmful or “misleading” thoughts. The solution to bad speech is more speech, not approved speech.

If Pelosi demanded that Verizon or Sprint interrupt calls to stop people saying false or misleading things, the public would be outraged. Twitter, Screwyoutube, Free Speech BS Parler, and FakeBook serves the same communicative function between consenting parties; it simply allows thousands of people to participate in such digital exchanges. Those people do not sign up to exchange thoughts only to have Dorsey or some other internet overlord monitor their conversations and “protect” them from errant or harmful thoughts.

It has been a long time since a bunch of geniuses came up with a new form of communication on Twitter Screwyoutube, Free Speech BS Parler, and FakeBook. Back then, the platform was neutral. Its appeal was its convenience, not its supervision. Dorsey himself said the success of Twitter is based on the principle that you “make every detail perfect and limit the number of details to the perfect.”

A think tank tied to US intelligence—whose GCHQ equivalent, the National Security Agency, will take part in the newly announced “cyber war”—argued in a research paper published just months before the onset of the Covid-19 crisis that “the US ‘anti-vaxxer’ movement would pose a threat to national security in the event of a ‘pandemic with a novel organism.’”

InfraGard, “a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and members of the private sector,” warned in the paper published last June that “the US anti-vaccine movement would also be connected with ‘social media misinformation and propaganda campaigns’ orchestrated by the Russian government,” as cited by The Guardian. The InfraGard paper further claimed that prominent “anti-vaxxers” are aligned “with other conspiracy movements including the far right . . . and social media misinformation and propaganda campaigns by many foreign and domestic actors. Included among these actors is the Internet Research Agency, the Russian government–aligned organization.”

An article published just last month by the Washington Post argued that “vaccine hesitancy is mixing with coronavirus denial and merging with far-right American conspiracy theories, including Qanon,” which the FBI named a potential domestic terror threat last year. The article quoted Peter Hotez, dean of the School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, as saying “The US anti-vaccination movement is globalizing and it’s going toward more-extremist tendencies.”

For those who read and study history, it has long been known that the CIA has placed their operatives throughout every agency of the U.S. government, as explained by Fletcher Prouty in The Secret Team; that CIA officers Cord Myer and Frank Wisner operated secret programs to get some of the most vocal exponents of intellectual freedom among intellectuals, journalists, and writers to be their voices for unfreedom and censorship, as explained by Frances Stonor Saunders in The Cultural Cold War and Joel Whitney in Finks, among others; that Cord Myer was especially focused on and successful in “courting the Compatible Left” since right wingers were already in the Agency’s pocket.

All this is documented and not disputed.  It is shocking only to those who don’t do their homework and see what is happening today outside a broad historical context.

With the rise of alternate media and a wide array of dissenting voices on the internet, the establishment felt threatened and went on the defensive. It, therefore, should come as no surprise that those same elite corporate media are now leading the charge for increased censorship and the denial of free speech to those they deem dangerous, whether that involves wars, rigged elections, foreign coups, COVID-19, vaccinations, or the lies of the corporate media themselves.

The Bible recognizes Satan’s world-system and warns us not to love it (1 John 2:15-16). When John writes and tells the Christian “do not love the world”, he’s not talking about the physical planet. The Greek word κόσμος kosmos as it is used by the apostle John and others most often refers to “that which is hostile to God…lost in sin, wholly at odds with anything divine, ruined and depraved.” (BDAG) Satan’s world-system consists of those philosophies and values that perpetually influence humanity to think and behave contrary to God and His Word. This operating apart from God is first and foremost a way of thinking that is antithetical to God and His Word, a way of thinking motivated by a desire to be free from God and the authority of Scripture, a freedom most will accept, even though it is accompanied by all sorts of inconsistencies and absurdities. 

Events of the Tribulation

In the Great Tribulation 2 ½ million die every day for 42 months. In Auschwitz, less than a thousand died each day. That means 2500x as many people die every day. Or to put it in Auschwitz terms—the number of people that died every day at Auschwitz will die every 30 seconds in the Great Tribulation! Or in other terms living on earth will be like living in an Auschwitz death camp—and in death toll there will be the equivalent of an Auschwitz Holocaust twice a day for 42 months!

A brief look through the pages of Revelation chapters six, eight, nine, and sixteen–describe the living hell you can avoid if you are saved this morning. Here are only a few of the dreadful disasters that take place during the Tribulation:

  • One out of every two people will die during the Tribulation (see Rev. 6:8 and onward), some through the ravages of war, others by starvation, and amazingly many others by the ‘beasts of the earth’. So, whether by death that comes instantly and thus less dreaded or a slow and painful death that is lingering and agonizing-50 percent of all people will die. The world’s population was 6,415,574,176 yesterday, so that means at least 3,207,500,000 will die. Does that amount to just about eleven times the current population of the United States-can you imagine that? And remember that the population of the world is doubling every 39.5 years. So every day the number of people who will die becomes larger and larger.
  • One-third of all vegetation will be burned up. All grass, every tree, everything green will be destroyed (see Rev. 8:7).
  • The sun and the moon will be darkened as nature goes into revolt (see Rev. 8:12).
  • The gates of hell will open and hordes of locusts, the size of horses, will come upon the earth. Those locusts will be allowed to sting men like scorpions and the pain will last for five months. The Bible says men will beg God to let them die but they will not die (see Rev. 9:3-6).
  • There will be worldwide famine, unlike anything the world has ever seen (see Rev. 18:8).
  • There will be a world war so bloody that the blood of those killed in battle will flow for two hundred miles up to the bridle of a horse in the valley of Jezreel. This will be the Battle of Armageddon (see Rev. 14:20).
  • All told, during the Great Tribulation, as many as half of all the people on the earth will be killed.

This is a time of tribulation upon the earth. Its severity is without historical precedent. Concerning this time, the angel, Gabriel, told Daniel, that it “will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time” (Dan 12:1a). This time of tribulation is in keeping with unfulfilled prophecy given to Daniel that pertains to Israel (Dan 9:24-27). It is during this time that God’s wrath will be poured out upon the world—specifically those who are hostile to Him and His people.

Source: HNewsWire principia-scientific


StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com

[email protected]

Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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