USA.Life is America’s new social network


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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HNewsWire Exclusive -USA.Life is America’s new social network – the answer to Facebook and Twitter censoring Christians, conservatives, patriotic speech, family values and liberty. This is where you freely share and find life, liberty and happiness. You connect with people, groups and businesses important to you!


The launch of USA.Life social network. Let’s celebrate.

You can register and use the site at https://USA.Life

What if you could go from censorship to freedom? Imagine getting honest, real news instead of fake news. How secure would you feel knowing you can keep your privacy online?

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You won’t be censored at USA.Life social network for believing like our founding fathers and supporting President Trump. After all, we know American beliefs are what make you safe, strong and blessed!

USA.Life is for all people who love America!

A Day with USA.Life

With USA.Life, you can discuss important issues that are censored elsewhere – such as life, the Second Amendment, border security, traditional marriage and liberty!

Our mission is to give you the most powerful social networking tools, privacy and real news. For too long, companies such as Facebook, Google and Twitter have used their bias to block people from getting true information. At USA.Life, we are the new alternative to social media that is biased in a positive way – toward the freedom and truth about the greatness of America and our people.

And members from all over the world have signed up for free accounts.

We believe in liberty in our heart, so we don’t spy on you.

You deserve privacy! When you delete your information, we delete it. This is America!

We Are Popular!

People Are Excited!

So Much More… America’s Search Engine™

Along with USA.Life, we are working to launch 1776Free – America’s new search engine!

1776Free gives you top results that are hidden by Google and other search engines. You keep your privacy too! And you get more accurate news.

If you haven’t heard, news reports show Google suppresses conservative speech. Google puts a 96% negative spin for news about President Trump, according to a report. We found Google has a bias against anything positive about America. They often give anti-American and anti-Christian results instead of true answers. This is why you need 1776Free.

Designed for Americanism not Globalism

To give you top results that are often hidden from you, USA.Life and 1776Free use a Pro-America Algorithm™. This is based on timeless American beliefs, such as God-given rights that make you safe, strong and blessed!

With USA.Life, you unite the nation and heal our land.

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Proverbs 31:8 (NIV)
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute


StevieRay Hansen
HNewsWire Editor



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

7 thoughts on “USA.Life is America’s new social network

  1. Revised. MARCHING ORDERS FOR THE TROOPS: Those with the mark of the beast/Satan will slander and viciously attack this site, and its best members because they are threatened by God centered freedom and liberty. They will do so with their usual stale, worn out terms and words from their 1984 newspeak dictionary they keep tucked away under their pillows. They may attempt to defame us with their scary invented terms that are not grounded in reality or science (racist, homophobe, sexist, white supremacist, xenophobe, Islamaphobe etc.) in their vain attempt to marginalize us, and incite violence against us, but we will not be moved one iota by their demon inspired witchcraft (domination, intimidation, manipulation). Because we know their Christophobia is their true motivation for their hate, bigotry and misinformation. The fact is the Demonrats and lukewarm Republicans are under a strong delusion because they have rejected the truth of the gospel and have pleasure in unrighteousness. And the side effect of their condition is they believe evil is good and good is evil. How must we respond to them? First, remember if you are in Christ and Christ is in you, you were once among their camp of Devil worshippers. Second, don’t argue with a fool, but we must educate them, pray for their salvation through Christ Jesus and protect ourselves and others of like mind from them. Make your point but don’t debate them because they are woefully uninformed, misinformed and morally inferior due to their reprobate state. You would only be wasting your time and energy to do otherwise. Honest questions asked in respect should be answered, but don’t give time to a scoffer who rejects the truth with contempt and scorn. P.S. Yes there will be government moles on this site, so never let anyone draw you into using violence in your mission unless it’s in reasonable self defense. As in Charlotsville there will be hoaxer Demonrats among the troops pretending to be so-call Neo-Nazi’s etc. in order to make it appear everyone using this site is of such an ideology. Don’t be easily fooled, the Devil is a deceiver, a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour by any means necessary. How do I know? I was once a high Priest for the Devil, so I know his devious tactics. Dismissed

    1. Thank you for your insight, and your decision to follow Christ rather than Satan. I appreciate your concern and your obvious experience with Lucifer. I appreciate what you bring to the table, let me tell you what I bring to the table, I wear the full armor of God, I cast out and have dealt with many demons and so I’m a perfect fit for the attack of Lucifer’s soldiers. Corinthians 16 do not touch my anointed, I request the pray warriors continue in our spiritual battle warfare in these last days…. Be Bless.

      1. ENCOURAGEMENT FOR THE TROOPS: Thank you Stevie Ray Hansen, I appreciate the feedback brother. Let’s not be discouraged in these wicked times. No matter how wicked the times, rest assured God always has a remnant. We may be in exile, we may be refugees in the country we were born in or moved to, but we must remember even in our exile God is still King. I know persecution has always existed against authentic Christians throughout the centuries, and that persecution has ebbed and flowed, but I believe we are in a special period now. According to the holy Bible, I’m persuaded in the last, last days just prior to the return Christ Jesus there will be one last worldwide rebellion against the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, a great apostasy and falling away from the faith of many who once claimed to be believers, and demonic activity will be at an all time high. e.g. Churches that were once formerly filled each Sunday in Europe and America have closed or have many less members. But be warned, if a society and government throws truth/Christ Jesus in the streets and tramples it under their hooves, they are inviting in Satanic tyranny. i.e. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Mugabe, Kim regime, Mandela, Islamic regimes, Democrat Party etc. Satan is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, and even though one may befriend him, Satan is no friend of any human, and when he is done using a person; he will devour that person with extreme prejudiced. The fruit of Satan’s works are disease, poverty, chemical addictions, sexual deviancy of every flavor, misery, destruction, death etc. So naturally God names him the father of all lies, deceiver, destroyer, author of confusion, accuser of the brethren, murderer. [Note: It’s no coincidence after 8 years of a destroyer and persecutor of the true God and authentic Christians in Obama/Biden Inc.; God graciously gives us a builder in President Trump to rebuild what they and theirs destroyed. Yes, God trumped the destroyer with a builder as were, and the demons and their human representatives are furious and remain so to this day. So continue to pray for the honorable President Trump, his glorious wife Melania, his family, true friends, and those in government who are committed to implementing righteous policies that pleased God, and ask others of like spirit to do the same. Pray for them to have Godly wisdom, courage, strength and protection as they carry out their duties. And if anyone prattles on and says that’s a violation of the ‘separation of Church and State, try not to laugh too heartily. Remind them you will not be prevented from your duties to God because of an incorrect interpretation of the 1st Amendment and/or erroneous judicial rulings inspired by ignorance and Christaphobia. Remind them the Constitution in no way, shape or form prohibits the unity of truth and State, therefore it doesn’t prohibit the unity of Christian laws and State. Remind them the so-called establishment clause is in reality a prohibition against the State establishing a particular denomination of Christianity as the official State Christian denomination, so as to safeguard against what occurred in Europe under the oppression of Bloody Mary. Remind them it’s a prohibition against forcing people to partake in ecumenical rites such as the sacrament of baptism and the Lord’s supper, but not a prohibition against the unity of Christian principles and State. If that weren’t the case, we wouldn’t have the free exercise clause as part of the 1st Amendment, and we would need to declare many or most of our current laws, regulations etc. unconstitutional because of the fact Christian principles/laws are their foundation and woven within them.] No man can serve to masters, either he will love one and hate the other or hate one and love the other. The fact is many who have come in the name of Christ over the centuries, don’t have Christ in them, and they eventually prove so with their falling away into apostasy etc. I’d rather attend a church with 10 true believers than a church with 50,000 members who a third or more aren’t saved/born again. Of course we are outnumbered by those with the mark of the beast and it pleased God to ordain it, otherwise it wouldn’t be. I’m certain one reason is to break true believers of self reliance, so as to place their reliance on God. How else could you not rely on God if 90 to 95 percent of the world will never come to a saving knowledge of the Lord, and their favorite pass time is waging war with themselves, the world, God and his chosen. Nevertheless, with God an army of one is a majority, so those in Christ shouldn’t be concerned about numbers. Besides, how many numbers does it take for a believer to pray, study God’s word and obey his laws? Answer: two; you and God. Thank God and glory be to him; greater is he/Christ that is in the true believer, than he/Satan that is in the world, even unto martyrdom. Unlike Christians in Islamic dominated and communist countries and other countries who operate according to a false theocracy and/or worldview, who have suffered and do suffer extreme persecution daily as a price to pay for their faith in Christ, the America Christian has been relatively free from intense persecution, but that has gradually changed over the decades and entered a new, more intense period of persecution under the two illegal terms of Barry Obama and Joe Biden and continues to this day. And I’m pleased God is permitting our persecution in America, so as to confirm our faith and strengthen our faith. God is not pleased with evil, but he is pleased with evil existing because of the good he may bring out of it. That’s not to say those who persecute God, Jesus the Christ and his chosen won’t answer for their sinful hate and bigotry on judgment day and for eternity under his holy wrath, but we must give praise to God in all things, even our martyrdom if he should permit it. Lastly, continue to fight the good fight always looking to the heavenly courts with your thoughts, word and deeds, because it’s not man’s corrupt earthly courts that will have the last say/vote on human history, it will be God’s heavenly Court. Pray for those who hate Christ Jesus and persecute you, pray that God will have mercy on them through the saving work of Christ Jesus, because the unbeliever won’t/can’t have a new mindset and heart set, until they are first born again. Amen

  2. How sad, how tragic! I registered and frankly, I’ve never seen such a fearful, xenophobic, hate-filled group in my entire life (all in one place that is). Oh well, maybe that is a good thing (or not). Count me out – no Christians here, that’s for sure.

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