Volunteers Establish A Program To Aid COVID Patients Seeking Alternative Treatments.


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Lawyers from all over the country are donating their time to help connect persons with “dire circumstances” surrounding COVID-19 with experienced attorneys who can assist them.

Patients and their families told The Epoch Times that finding a lawyer prepared to even discuss their legal concerns has been difficult. Clients will have access to all of the knowledge that participating attorneys have gained and shared about fighting COVID-19-related legal fights since the pandemic began on March 22 when they join the network, which officially opened on March 22.

The COVID Resource Network, a loosely organized network of attorneys from across the country, presently has about 250 members. Organizers expect it to grow exponentially as more “freedom-fighting” attorneys commit to helping patients get access to medication they want to try, employees fight their employers’ vaccine mandates, and patients prepare for hospital admissions with proper power of attorney documents, among other things.

“We’re just trying to move the needle—what that’s patriots do,” said Rachel Rodriguez, a West Palm Beach attorney who is hosting the network’s intake form on her law firm’s website for the time being. “We’re exchanging thoughts, pleadings, and motions.” We’re attempting to “multiply our efforts” in order to conserve time, which is running out for some clients.

The idea is to expand the network shortly to include a list of medical providers from throughout the country who can provide assistance by advising people on how to remain out of the hospital and treat COVID-19 at home, or suggesting therapies for patients who are already in the hospital.

For the time being, persons with an urgent legal need relating to COVID-19 can fill out an online form requesting assistance, such as a patient worrying about legal paperwork needed before checking into a hospital or the family of a loved one being treated in a facility where care may not be optimal. Volunteer attorneys comb through the requests and send out SOS emails to custodians who keep lists of willing lawyers with COVID-19 experience.

The list-keepers then find the professionals who are best equipped to assist. Fees are negotiated privately between clients seeking assistance and the lawyers they hire.

Rodriguez first became involved in COVID-19 cases in 2021, when she represented Orange County Fire Rescue in Florida in a lawsuit. Employees in the department were attempting to avoid having to choose between their jobs and submitting to COVID-19 immunizations they didn’t want or believe they needed. Their efforts eventually paid off when Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made vaccine mandates illegal in the state.

Rodriguez is now working on a means to take donations that could go toward covering the legal fees of those who can’t afford to employ an attorney, in addition to managing requests for help from the COVID Resource Network.

“That would be for people who want to put money into a fund and say, ‘I want to support folks who want to see whether they have claims against hospitals for some of these really severe incidents,’ or ‘I’d like to provide for someone who doesn’t have the resources to have an attorney,” she explained.

The lists of attorneys prepared to take on COVID-19 cases aren’t published for fear of retaliation, according to a Florida lawyer involved in the campaign who declined to be identified. The lists haven’t even been merged for fear of the list being hacked or somehow compromised, he added.

“I know that all sounds enigmatic,” the lawyer admitted. “However, you must understand that this could turn into a political hit list.”

As part of the initiative, the lawyer donates his time to contacting list custodians and medical providers who may be able to aid right away, and connects those specialists with persons who have submitted requests for assistance.

At the request of Jeff Childers of Childers Law in Gainsville, Florida, attorneys from all over the country began gathering to share ideas, strategies, and even files.

“Without [Childers], none of this would exist,” the lawyer stated.

When the pandemic hit, Childers said he was “minding his own business,” handling largely corporate law and commercial lawsuits. He entered this new field of law to assist a business owner who was facing mask mandates in 2020. Later, he represented parents fighting to have their children wear masks at school and assisted groups fighting employers over vaccine mandates.

He also assisted in disputes involving relatives of COVID-19 patients who were seeking the right to try drugs that they believed could save their loved ones.

Meanwhile, he started a daily blog to keep people up to date on COVID-19-related news from around the world. He wrote his own Hospital COVID Guide on it, informing readers, “Here are some suggestions, beginning with the time before admission.” This is something you should read right now, and you might want to save it for later. It has the potential to save your life.”

His blog, CoffeeandCovid.com, has since gained 80,000 subscribers, and he is now swamped with requests for assistance with COVID-19 cases.

Receiving calls from families who are frantic because a loved one has been taken to the hospital, forced to take Remdesivir, and often denied access to treatments they wish to test has been distressing, he told The Epoch Times. According to him, the family is then unable to relocate the loved one out of the facility to seek alternative treatment. It’s the most regular call he gets these days at his legal firm.

As his firm grew, Childers established a method for attorneys interested in fighting COVID-related matters across the country to stay in touch, leading to the development of the extended COVID Resource Network of attorneys.

“I believe that people have a right to have their claims evaluated in that way by a professional,” said Rodriguez, who collaborates closely with Childers on the project. “Unfortunately, just a handful of us share that sentiment. As a result, there is a lesser supply [of attorneys available] that must satisfy a growing demand.”

Janna Logan was thankful for the opportunity to meet with the COVID Resource Network’s organizers. She’s been seeking guidance for months on how to best aid her husband, Jim, who has been fighting for his life in a Nebraska hospital since August.

Janna Logan told The Epoch Times, “I phoned the hospital again this morning, trying to figure out why they aren’t giving his medical data.” “I requested them about 50 days ago in writing and have yet to receive them. They would be released once the hospital administration had finished evaluating them, I was told. As [the person listed as having Power of Attorney], I assumed that was my legal right.”

She knew she needed assistance, but she didn’t know where to look for it.

On March 18, she remarked, “I’ve tried four different attorneys in Omaha, and no one seems interested.”

Then she discovered the COVID Resource Network. She got a recommendation to an attorney in her state and a list of medical professionals who could help her within hours. And it has given her hope.

There is no excuse as to why our current administration has made it so difficult to seek medical aid that does not come with a conflict of interest and line the pockets of big pharma. To deny the fact that these signs add up to us living during the end times is willful ignorance. It’s not our job to try to bring these evil people down. Matthew 5:44 “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” To constantly fill your mind with negative emotions pertaining to those who persecute you is to muddy the water; And make Gods grace less tangible. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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