Watchman Chinese Bio-Labs, USA Apparently, There Was No Imminent Threat to the Drag Queens, So No Government Action Was Necessary. The CDC Is as Useless as a Boar’s Mammary Glands. Conceal, Destroy, and Coverup Is What CDC Stands For!

By SRH, Chinese Biolabs, America Watchman It didn't seem like the drag queens were in any immediate danger, therefore no official intervention was required. The CDC is as useful as the mammary glands of a hog. CDC stands for CONCEAL, DESTROY, AND COVERUP! TransparentObamanatedBidenClintonesqs purchased or brought up a dangerous financial disaster It all depends on how you define "is." Is there evidence to hide that has been made public? Local authorities believe they accomplished a great deal of work without the necessary government backing. The Fresno Board of Supervisors chairman, Nathan Magsig, stated, "This whole thing has been extremely frustrating." He accuses federal and state officials of failing to move swiftly enough in a "very concerning" circumstance. According to Mr. Magsig, the county of Fresno has since put into effect an ordinance pertaining to the supervision of private laboratories,...

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