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Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.”

What we see happening here is also what happens to the strongly deluded in 2Thes.2:8-12. And this includes those who have been deceived by the demonic doctrine of original sin. Paul is speaking in 2Thes.2 about the great falling away. So he is speaking about those who call themselves Christian, even believe they are Christian, but are not because they have been deceived by a salvation by works doctrine. 

"And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them ...

These initially cleaned house by confessing a belief in Jesus. But, because they have taken a wrong turn from truth to this lie, which happened because as Jesus says in Mark4 through “affliction and persecution for the word’s sake, the deceitfulness of riches, or the desire for other things”, their house remained empty and swept. And because the Holy Spirit has not been welcomed there they have become unfruitful as those Jesus taught about in the parable of the sower in Mark4. Which means they never truly got saved.

A house that is swept and empty is a house in need of the presence of God. A house that represents three of the four grounds Jesus said in Mark4 the word of God is planted in. A house that Paul describes in Rom.6:23 saying “All have missed the mark and are in need of the presence of God.” These are also who Jesus was speaking of in Rev.3:20 when He told them “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” 

It is because these have trusted in Augustine’s pagan doctrine of original sin, or some other form of pagan doctrine, rather than Paul ‘s gospel, that Jesus is not welcomed in. He stands at the door knocking. The Holy Spirit can not come in and sup(fellowship) with them. And because the Holy Spirit is not living there the demonic spirit sees that there is nothing in that house to stop him from reoccupying that house. 

This is when Jesus says the demonic spirit will take advantage of this empty house by finding 7 others worse than himself that come to live in that person. And because there are 7 others worse than himself, their power is now exponentially greater to deceive that man, than when it was just the one who lived there previously. Making their power of deception that much stronger. Hence the strong delusion Paul spoke of in 2Thes.2. 

It is because these have never come to a love for the truth that they were never truly saved. But, were instead deceived right from the start by the salvation by works doctrine of original sin. A doctrine that fills their heart with lies in place of truth. Lies that they can not recognize because they are deceived. Giving credence to the old axiom, if you were deceived would you know it. 

A deception that convinces them that works is the means by which God comes to accept them. They say, “it’s not my own works, it’s Jesus’ works when He kept the law perfectly that saves me. Because He imputes His perfect law keeping to me to make me righteous before God.”

And when shown the truth from what the scriptures plainly say that proves their beliefs are unbiblical, it is so foreign to them because of their deception, that the truth is automatically, and even sometimes violently, rejected. As we see in Acts18:5-7 and John8:59 and elsewhere when the apostles and Jesus were reviled. Because like their predecessors the Pharisees, the demon along with 7 others worse than himself occupies their heart because they never came to a love for the truth. This is why men can sometimes do such unspeakable evil. They are possessed by many demons. 

So like the Pharisees, Paul said these have a form of godliness but deny God’s power in 2Tim.3:5. This happens because these demonic spirits influence their thinking so that they come to falsely believe they have a sin nature that is in their flesh that governs their choices. A nature they falsely believe they inherited from Adam that will continue to plague them by making them sin against their will until physical death. 

Yesterday 's Lies: November 2013

This deception not only denies that man has free will, but it also denies the power of God to completely deliver us from sin. Making God’s word a lie when it says “For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace” in Rom.6:14. The delusion is made so strong because these take pleasure in the unrighteousness of these pagan beliefs. Instead of believing the Bible that says emphatically that the power of God delivers completely from sin. 

So the reason the strong delusion is so strong is because it is deception caused by a team of demons that has inhabited a man that never came to a love for the truth. A man that once made a confession of a belief in Jesus. But, actually accepted the false Jesus of the pagan Gnosticism of the doctrine of original sin instead of the Jesus of the Bible. 

And since so many of these people are comfortably sitting in most churches today listening to and believing the doctrine of original sin, they will be part of the great falling away that Paul spoke of. Resulting in the strong delusion when the man of sin makes his appearance, and their being damned because they never loved the truth. This is what Paul was describing when he said there are those who have a form of godliness but deny the power of God to deliver completely from sin. 

Do you want to be delivered from sin? Do you want the guarantee of eternal life that comes from that deliverance? Do you want the victory over death and it’s stinger sin? Then trust in Jesus and let Him come in and fellowship with you by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. If you will then the demonic spirits that are looking for a place to live that is cleaned and swept can not deceive you to receive the lies that can create in you the strong delusion. 

If you want eternal life then please pray with me now. 

Dear Jesus, I believe you raised from the dead and conquered death for me. I confess you now as Lord of my life. Thank you for joining with me in death. So that I can join with you in eternal life. Thank you for sweeping my house clean. I open the door to my heart now. Thank you for coming in and fellowshipping with me. Thank you for living with me and in me from this day forward. Never leaving me nor forsaking me. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

I’m so glad that you prayed with me. Welcome to God’s family where there is love, joy, and peace because the Holy Spirit lives in you. He will lead you and guide you into all truth as you reads the Bible and believe what is plainly written in it. 

See you there or in the air!

This message may also be heard at YouTube

A Prayer Using the Names of God - Christian Motivations



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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