Beyond the Apparent Offense to Christian Theology, School-Sponsored Sexualized Drag Shows for Children Have Become an Endemic

Side Bar: Drag Queen Story Hour ‘Greatest Grooming Program Ever Devised,’ Counselor Says, Denying the existence of Satan and the demonic is foolish, Drag Queen Grooming Programs, they are designed to inflict your children with the sin virus, and It leaves you ill-prepared for the reality of spiritual warfare. How can victory over an enemy be achieved if you deny the enemy exists? (Drag Satan Queen). Denying the existence of Satan leaves you blind to his schemes and naked to his attacks upon your Children…

A clinical counselor who has worked with over 4,000 serial predators is urging parents to be vigilant after a Texas library hosted a Drag Queen Story Hour for kids featuring a reader who has a criminal record.

Parents in Texas discovered that David Lee Richardson, who goes by the drag name “Miss Kitty Litter” and has been participating in Drag Queen Story Hour events for the Austin Public Library System over the past year, has a criminal record for prostitution.

This is not the first case of a library inviting Drag Queen Story Hour readers with a criminal history to read to and interact with young children. Two men charged with sexually assaulting a child were allowed to read to children at a library in Houston last year.


HNewsWire: The Bible predicts a widespread apostasy at the end times. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 mentions the "great apostasy." The KJV refers to it as "falling away," whereas the NIV and ESV refer to it as "rebellion." And that is what apostasy is: a revolt against the truth. The end times will see a widespread rejection of God's revelation, as well as an additional "falling away" of an already fallen earth.

Would leftists really stage a sexualized drag performance during a Christian school church service? They would, of course.

Students at Manhattan's Grace Church High School said they were intended to attend Wednesday church services on April 27th, 2021, but instead were welcomed with a surprise substitute performance starring "Brita Filter," a dancing drag queen in orange go-go boots (the symbolism of the stage name is unknown). "Spectrum," the school's LGBT support organization, and members of the faculty supported the event.

The pupils claim they were forced to participate and were forced to pretend they loved the event. Some Spectrum club members patted students on the back of the shoulders and told them to stand for the performance, while others gave out pride stickers with the words "Take one or you're homophobic." Other youngsters joined in on the fun and started twerking in the church.

Brita spoke about being "pansexual" once the dance was done. "It's interesting that this individual repeatedly declared herself amazing, brilliant, and lovely," one student observed. This individual comforted themselves repeatedly, not just once or twice..."

The pride movement's intrinsic narcissism is readily apparent. The school's website provides information on their pride-related initiatives as well as Brita Filter's performance.

Aside from the blatant violation of Christian theology, the practice of sexualized drag shows for children supported by schools has spread like wildfire. Several schools have been found organizing drag queen concerts without seeking parents for approval in the last year. Leftists have attacked the larger media coverage of these occurrences, stating that there is no sexualization agenda in schools.

Gaslighting has been widespread, and the purpose of trans indoctrination and school drag performances is publicly stated: political activity and normalization.

Brita brags about the occasion on TikTok:

"I genuinely went to church today to educate the youngsters...

Here in New York City, a Catholic high school welcomed me to their Pride Chapel. Visibility is important, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to speak with you about my work as an LGBTQ+ E For Evil Drag Queen Activist."

Grace Church Schools intends to extend pride celebrations to younger middle school students as well, beginning with studies on the "history of the pride flag" and what it represents.

"Predators are using this [Drag Queen Story Hour] as a litmus test to see how strong that group is," he stated. "And if it's easy pickings, believe me, predators will swarm to that society."

While he could not speak absolutely on the financing sources for the Drag Queen Story Hour, a nonprofit group founded in San Francisco in 2015, he does not believe these activities are something that many towns would normally have.

"You just don't have this kind of coordination," he said. "When you consider how many libraries are now hosting these, it requires time, effort, energy, money, and coordination." You can't tell me that this is simply a spontaneous thing occurring in local towns at the same time, that it's an organic movement."

Uhler founded the nation's first solitary confinement intense treatment program, directed one of Pennsylvania's high-intensity sex offender programs for predators, and authored hundreds of paroled sex offender psychological assessments.


Sources:  HNewsWire  HNewsWire  HNewsWire


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