Watchman Says UK Scientists Have Begun Developing Another Kill Shot Vaccine as “Insurance Against a New Plandemic Caused by an Unknown “Disease X, Evil is in Control, Thank Google, Dr. Bill Gates and His Cohorts in Crime


According to Watchman, UK scientists are developing another kill shot vaccine as "insurance against a new plandemic caused by an unknown disease X." Evil is in control, thanks to Google, Dr. Bill Gates, and his criminal cohorts.

Disease X may have originated from zoonotic spillover, where infections spread from animals to humans. Mutations in bacteria can also cause new, deadly diseases. What SB!

UK scientists are creating vaccinations to prevent a future pandemic triggered by an unknown "disease X." Disease X is likely rehearsed at "Cladee X" like COVID-19 was at Event 201. Could we be preparing for a new pandemic?

Sky News stated yesterday that “Disease X” is a “unidentified and potential future pandemic” and that over 200 UK scientists are preparing for it.

The "Pandemic Accord" will require all WHO members to battle "disinformation" and contribute 5% of their yearly health budget to pandemic preparedness.

The Telegraph reports that six Conservative Party politicians fear the pact will allow the W.H.O. to unilaterally lockdown the UK, posing a danger to national sovereignty.

According to Esther McVey, the MP who led the letter to the government, “there is, rightly, growing concern about the W.H.O.’s Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations.” She warned that the organization wants “to transition from an advisory organization to a controlling international authority.”

They seem aware that the unnamed virus could "spread rapidly around the world in the future." "We are being told that “they have no notion as to which one of them will “breakthrough” and “trigger” the next pandemic, which is why it’s referred to just as “Disease X," per Sky News.

The head of the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), Professor Dame Jenny Harries (known for COVID-19), told Sky News: “What we’re trying to do here is ensure that we prepare so that if we have a new Disease X, a new pathogen, we have done as much of that work in advance

I hope we can prevent a pandemic, she says. However, we have begun creating vaccinations and treatments to solve it if we cannot. (source).

It appears they have plenty of time to prepare for “Disease X,” as they have been planning since 2018.

COVID rehearsed in Event 201 Pandemic Exercise, a tabletop exercise. WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation conducted the exercise in 2019.

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security held the Clade X pandemic tabletop simulation in Washington, DC, on May 15, 2018.

The US National Security Advisor (NSA) convened a committee of top advisors at Clade X to discuss the mystery disease in Germany and Venezuela.

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